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Dear Caroline… On Your 6th Birthday!


March 16, 2018

When this day comes each year, words fail me… as shocking as that may sound, birthdays for my babies are a bit harder than I ever imagined. As they grow and mature, I find myself wanting to savor each and every season of their childhood all the more and I get so sentimental about looking back at baby pictures and strolls down memory lane of when they were born, the days they took their first steps, their first words, oh goodness… the list goes on and on!

But here we are, another year older and another letter to my first baby [a day early because that’s how I roll AND because we’ll be celebrating big all weekend]:

My Dear Sweet Caroline,

It may just be a song to some, but for us, Sweet Caroline, encapsulates every single thing that you are. You are kind and considerate, thoughtful and caring and your genuine sweetness is exuded in everything you do. This year, we are celebrating SIX years of our first darling.

The one who made me a mommy, the one with colic who would only sleep when you held her, the one that constantly wanted to be sung to, the one who showed me what unconditional love truly means.

This has been a significant year for so many reasons… first of all, the big kindergarten year! You’re growing and learning so much and I can’t wait to pick you up each day to hear the skills you’re mastering, to see what book you’ve selected to bring home from the library, to find out what you did in “special” [ex PE, art, music] you did that day. I’m so thankful for an amazing school that truly feels like one big family and has helped you grow and prosper this year—I know we were both so scared of what kindergarten would look like, but it’s been SO exciting and you’ve loved every minute of it. You’ve made some sweet friends and I love celebrating this time in your world. And the reading—you’re doing SO well!!! Your vocabulary increased every single day and nighttime reading is one of my favorite parts of the day.

In terms of other fun things, let’s talk violin lessons… I was hesitant to let you start taking lessons because who knew if you’d really enjoy it—well this mama is glad she listened to her daughter because you are LOVING it so much! Your instructor Miss Bethany is incredible and I love hearing you practice each week… you’ve mastered “Twinkle Twinkle” and “Hot Cross Buns” now and we are all impressed with your skills and how much you have learned in 3 months already—Christmas carols are going to be MUCH more fun this year I bet!

You’re growing into a little lady who has VERY specific tastes, especially when it comes to fashion! School mornings are interesting, but I love that you know what you like and what you don’t… favorites include booties, workout pants, side ponytails, graphic tees and fuzzy fleece jackets paired with colorful headbands, but you make it work and you seem so confident that it makes me so proud.

As of last week, you’ve officially lost five teeth and have become extremely rich thanks to the tooth fairy. She must be putting in overtime as she always delivers gold glitter/fairy dusted $5 bills… but you’re just like your daddy and always want to save your money in your piggy bank! The full-on gummy grin has taken over and it is TOO cute.

You love to sing and dance and regularly put on shows at night after we eat dinner… you’re an AMAZING helper when it comes to dinner preparation and I love having a built in soux chef to assist! You still love any and all kinds of pasta and are FINALLY trying new foods with some new likes [thank goodness].


Simply put, we are so proud of you… proud of your kind, endearing heart, your genuine ability to light up any room, the way you treat others around you and of course–the joy you continually bring to our lives. We are so very lucky to be your parents and cannot wait to see what the next year has in store for you Tuttie!

Other favorites to highlight:

Color: Purple + Blue

TV Show: Shimmer and Shine

Songs: Finesse, Can’t Stop the Feeling, River, Wolves

Movie: Ferdinand

Food: Pesto Pasta [all day everyday], Cheese Quesadillas, Pickles, Apples

Drink: Shirley Temple [with extra cherries of course]

Best Friend: Mae

Book: “David” series, anything non-fiction and animal related at the library, Pinkalicious

What You Want to Be When You Grow Up: A Veterinarian

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