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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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She’s Got a Ticket to Ride… Princess Style


April 25, 2018

They see me rolling… princess style my friends!! I mean, can you handle this cuteness??? My only wish was that they had this Disney Princess Carriage Car when I was growing up because I would have ruled the neighborhood with this bad boy.

Did you know it’s National Princess Week?? Chances are if you’re a girl mom like me, everyday is princess day in your castle, so you may be on the hunt for the perfect transportation for your little Belles, Snow Whites and Ariels, too. My Disney-loving ladies have absolutely gone bananas over our newest carriage that got delivered last week and we are here to share all of our favorite details about this new Ride-On Car!

This pink and purple pretty has all the bells and whistles you’d imagine but more details and they didn’t miss a beat when they designed this cute little carriage built for two. I might have taken it for a test drive myself, but Miss Carson swiftly ejected her mama from the driver’s seat so she could take it to town on her own. Let’s face it, my glory days are over and she rules the roost when it comes to playing all things pretend and princess.

Spring weather has us wanting to be outside as much as possible and the neighbor’s kids are ALWAYS coming over asking for rides in the girls’ newest ride.

Wanting to get a little techy?? It’s packed full of petal to the metal energy with it’s 24-volt design… it’ll whisk away your characters on their next big adventure, whether they’re off to the ball, merrily working away, or traveling off to a whole new world [you’re secretly loving all these Disney references, aren’t you?!?!]. It’s also thoughtfully accented with all the popular Disney princesses, gold accents, open and shut door design and ornate interior details, too! For me, it happily accommodates BOTH the girls so there it prevents meltdowns because everyone gets to ride.

The front dashboard even boasts a “wear and share” tiara, heart shaped steering wheel and curtains for added privacy if needed. A magical light-up wand ensures they can be their very own fairy godmother-in-training and the lights flicker on and off = swoon! You can find all the other necessary details and purchase online HERE.

Until next time… toodles friends!!



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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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