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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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This is Me…

fashion and beauty

April 26, 2018

I feel like these posts are few and far between… it’s not from lack of thinking about the nitty gritty, personal stories that make me “ME” but I’ll be honest, it’s scary to put it all out there. To speak from the heart and not be afraid of what people may think or say.

Having said that, as a mom to two little girls, this is the sentiment I am constantly trying to instill in Caroline and Carson and I know I need to practice what I preach, so here goes nothing:

The title of this post comes from The Greatest Showman… a movie that came out late last year with Hugh Jackman—a musical of sorts, sharing the story of how Barnum and Bailey Circus came to be. Sure, I am quite certain a lot of the story line is fictionalized to make it more entertaining, but I’m sure aspects of this incredible story are true in nature and it really struck a nerve with me.

The characters in the movie share their struggles—trying to fit into society, making their way on their own terms, all while coming together for something bigger. The main song from the movie is called “This is Me” and even if you’re not into musicals—download the soundtrack and you’ll thank me later [like ours is constantly on repeat in the car and I’m not too sad about it].

Mostly, it relays about apologetically being yourself… standing up to the naysayers and being true to oneself. And in this world where EVERYONE has an opinion about EVERYTHING, I think the thought is simple and profound… never apologize for being who you are.

I’m loud, happy and energetic, type A, outrageous at times and I am sure I don’t suit everyone’s fancy. But having said that, God made me ME for a reason and I won’t apologize for that. If you don’t like it, that’s alright by me and I won’t take it personally. Move right along, unfollow, swipe right, etc… do what you need to do!

I’m the mom who wants to teach her daughters to be fearless—just like mine did for me. To stand up for what’s right, not be intimidated by others, not be ashamed of who I am and where I came from, to always do what’s right and show kindness in everything I do. Everyone has a unique story and that should be celebrated! This platform has given me that opportunity and I don’t take that lightly… it’s a great benefit of the blogging world and sometimes that focus gets shifted and I apologize for not publishing these types of personal stories and struggles more often… it’s something I hope to remedy and be more confident in sharing.

I know it’s not the cheeky post I normally offer, but this has been on my heart to share for quite some time now and I figured now was as good a time as any. So here are a few personal tips and tricks for helping be comfortable in your skin and not letting others’ perceptions or opinions stand in your way:

One. Find an Outlet. Find a creative outlet that you love and foster that. For me, it’s writing… I can’t count how many journal entries and posts I have just sitting in my draft folder—it’s cathartic and therapeutic and it helps me relieve the emotions that tend to build up inside. Other outlets that help me get energized and refreshed include working out, baking and driving with the windows down and music up as loud as possible. It’s the little things in life, right?!?!

Two. Have a Person You Can Talk To. Keep your inner circle small, but allow yourself one to two people that you can REALLY vent to… when you’re having a bad day, want to celebrate a win, talk through issues you’re dealing with—I promise having that talk with your “person” can go a long way. That ensures you’ve talked it out with someone you trust and you can move about your day having aired it all out! Gather those positive people around you and stick with that tribe!

Three. Don’t Be Afraid. Walk tall and remember that you’re incredible JUST the way you are. We are guilty of playing the comparison game all the time… Lord knows I am and struggle with that at times, but then I snap out of it and remember to focus on MYSELF and not what others are doing. It sounds simple and petty, but I think we tend to over complicate situations that really don’t need to be.

Four. Take Some Time to Laugh. Don’t take it all too seriously… watch one of your favorite romantic comedies… go out with your girlfriends–do what you need to do to laugh it off and have a GOOD time. Think you may fall on your face and make an idiot of yourself?? We’ve all done it so enjoy the rollercoaster of life and don’t be too hard on yourself.

Five. Listen To Your Heart and Get Rid of the Unnecessary. Sometimes the answer is right inside and we take forever to get to that conclusion, but don’t forget to follow your heart because it usually leads you in the right direction. And for the love–get rid of the excess… learn to say no to thinks you’re not passionate about [I’m preaching to myself here because I am a “yes” person], say bye bye to the fluff and really focus on what truly matters to you, not everyone else.

Until next time… OXOX, Natasha
  1. Haley Smith says:

    Hey lady!! So I have been silently following along on your journey for quite some time now. I don’t comment much but observe a lot. It has been fun tagging along, but I must say this is one of your best entries. We all fall into the trap of comparison whether it be with other women, moms, coworker….really there are so many ways we short ourselves. Being true to ourselves is a constant battle for most of us, but you are right we should embrace who we are, own it even!! Comparisons are so out and love and support is so in!! Congrats sweet lady.

    • natashamassey@gmail.com says:

      Cannot thank you enough for taking the time to comment today Haley… it truly means a lot. It’s scary being vulnerable and being open and honest, especially when you’re wondering if anyone is even reading so THANK YOU for being so sweet!

  2. Toni :0) says:

    My favorite post of yours to date. Thank you for being so real. I’m also a huge fan of the Greatest Showman and blast the soundtrack in my car with the windows down. I think every school should show that movie to every grade level. Being yourself and be different and accepting of others is a great lesson for everyone. Have a blessed day.

    • natashamassey@gmail.com says:

      appreciate you saying that Toni… glad to know this post resonated with so many blog friends!!

  3. Aileen says:

    Thank you for being so real and vulnerable! These are great things to remember. I need to print them out and post them on my mirror or something. Ha. Thanks again. 🙂

  4. Chelsey says:

    Love this and glad you shared with us!! This is stuff I need to work on! I love following your blog & Instagram!! ??

  5. Alexandra Casey says:

    HI Natasha! Thanks so much for sharing all of your tips and tricks. Everything about you brings a lot of joy to me. I have honestly learned so much from you!!! I love your blog posts so much! You really inspire me to do what I love. Thx again!!!!!

    • natashamassey@gmail.com says:

      thank you so much for the kind note A! truly appreciate the feedback more than you know 😉

  6. Caley says:

    YES! YES! YES!
    Thank you gorgeous lady for sharing this – I love you for you!! And I had to listen to this song again 🙂
    And so proud as the Mom of Daughters to be proud that “This Is Me”!

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