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Bugs Be Gone with Avon

Family + Kids

August 17, 2018

This blog post is sponsored by Avon… all thoughts, content and imagery belongs to Hello Happiness and collaborations like this make this website possible!

I remember it like it was yesterday… growing up, I never left my house to go play without my mom applying Avon’s Skin So Soft Bug Guard products to my skin to protect against bug bites. I remember its smell, the light mist and everything else about it. It totally makes me think of childhood and how much fun I had playing with my friends in the neighborhood.

Now that I am a mom, I try to do the same for Caroline and Carson. Their skin is so sensitive, and I want to protect it as much as possible, so I’ve started using the exact same products my mom relied on. It’s crazy when you think about how smart your parents were when you become a parent, right?!?!

We’ve been SO active this summer break… tons of weekend trips to the lake, early evening swim sessions at the pool, riding bikes around the neighborhood, the list goes on and on. I think we tackled that summer bucket list the best we could!

We began using the Avon’s Skin So Soft Bug Guard Collection earlier this summer [I tossed a few products in my car and some in my carryall tote], and I’ve been impressed with how well it repels insects and combats bug bites, yet is still gentle for kids and adults alike. The entire collection is also Deet free so you can feel good about the sprays, lotions and wipes you’re using on the ones you love most.

Here’s a few details from some of my favorites from the Bug Guard lineup:

Looking to incorporate some of these skincare must-haves into your life?? Their lineup starts at just $14, so there is something for everyone for wherever your outdoor adventures take you You can grab them today through  local Avon Representative. Check out Avon.com to find a Representative in your area and say hello to a bug bite free summer!

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