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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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A Nashville Staycation and Fun Friend Getaway

fashion + beauty

September 17, 2018

Hey friends!! Happy Happy Monday… I might not be feeling the pain of an all new work week because this one doesn’t resemble your typical Monday. I’m SUPER excited because today is when the fun gets started!! My sweet friend Brooke of KB Styled has assembled a group of incredible women, ALL MOMBOSSES, to come to Music City this week, all for one epic Nashville Vacation–Blogger Style!

Black Button Through Top [only $16] | Marled Grey Joggers | Restore Duffel Bag | Thea Sneakers | Dash Aviators

Yes, I am going to get to vacation in my hometown = how fun is that?!?!?! You guys are CONSTANTLY emailing me and sending DMs about my favorite places in and around Nashville, so this is going to be a HUGE roundup of some of the places we love to take out-of-towners to see when they are here.

My bags are packed–with my all new India Hicks Restore Duffel Bag in tow, and I’m ready to kick the dust up! Don’t worry, we’ll be taking over Broadway in our boots, too and I’ve got my dancing shoes READY. But for now, let’s talk casual travel style like my Black Button Through Top–another Amazon Fashion find that’s only $16 and comes in a host of colors. I paired it with these Marled Grey Joggers from Z Supply, another one of my go-to destinations for comfy clothes that don’t break the bank and are SUPER comfy, too. Finally, I have my absolute favorite sneakers, the Thea Air Max style and it’s a chic little ensemble that pairs well for car or plane.

We have a ton of exciting events lined up, so be sure to follow along via Instagram for the full play-by-play of all of our must-stops for shopping, eating and visiting… trust me, if you’re planning to visit us soon, you’ll want to bookmark this adventure = six women cutting loose and having some much-needed gal pal time = YIPPEE!

And be sure to give a kind, southern welcome to our guests for the next few days:

Beth via Seersucker and Saddles | Jessica via Lipstick, Heels and a Baby | Lauren via Edit by Lauren | Sara via Haute and Humid

Cheers gals… and have a FANTASTIC day!!!


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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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