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Getting Back into All Things Healthy and Fit


September 4, 2018

Confession: I fell off the bandwagon this summer. 

With the kids being out of school with a far less rigid routine, endless weekends at the lake, family vacations, parties/events/special occasions, you catch my drift… this mama has let herself gain a few extra pounds (7 if we are being honest) and so I thought today’s post would be a great time to talk about how I am getting back on track and holding myself accountable!

Exhale Capri [on sale for $55] | Everyday Bra | Organic Cowl Tank [on sale for $23] | Air Max Thea Sneaker

Now let’s preface this by saying that I know in the scheme of things, that’s not a huge amount of weight, nor do I claim it to be… HOWEVER, it’s not my “happy weight” and I’m usually pretty good at keeping myself within that ideal range because I’m better mentally, physically and emotionally. Honestly, keeping myself in check is super important for me AND I want to address the excess eating, social drinking and lack of physical activity that has led to these extra few pounds this summer before it gets out of control.

Last week, I shared about Mom’s New Year and I am keeping myself accountable with that sentiment, ESPECIALLY when it comes to getting back in tip top shape for fall and beyond… I also shared the Mom’s Fitness Challenge that I am co-hosting with Heather/My Life Well Loved and Jessica/Happily Hughes and these two mombosses are TOTALLY bada$@es when it comes to living a healthy + active lifestyle so they are incredible encouragement for anyone looking to get on board with us!

So what does that mean for my slice of life here on the blog? Get ready to get back to basics in terms of sharing my workouts, meal planning tips, favorite workout wear, and putting the REALNESS back into my posts.

Right now, I’m researching Intermittent Fasting [loved this post from Jessica], working on getting into my doctors for all of my well-visits and yearly checkups [because I always seem to forget to get that done… anyone else?!?!], updating some meals to try to eat cleaner and leaner [Heather’s Buffalo Chicken Sweet Potatoes are going on that list] and stepping out of my comfort zone, AKA trying new workout classes  and reporting back on my thoughts, while also sharing my favorite HIIT workout routines that always seem to work wonders. Here are a few favorites that I created below:

I promise to keep you all updated as to what’s working, the ups and downs and in-betweens and maybe, just maybe some before and after photos… oh goodness, when you say it out loud that makes it real, right?!?!?!


  1. Kelly says:

    Same boat, mama! We went to Mexico as just grownups this June and I never actually bounced back from all the all-inclusive food and drinks… yikes! Here’s to a healthy fall!

  2. The struggle is real…and add menopause to that. UGH with a capital U!!!! I was practicing Intermittent Fasting before it was a thing. hahaha, but now I do it for real. I have nothing to measure it to though since I’ve always eaten that way. Good luck, looking forward to your updates. XO

  3. Caley says:

    GOOD LUCK my friend – I think you look incredible but I know the feeling at not being at your happiest and healthiest. I will be cheering you on and trying my best to stay on the wagon too x

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