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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Mom’s Fitness Challenge … My Favorite Fitness Apps and a GIVEAWAY


September 14, 2018

It’s FRIDAY–can I get a high five for making it?!?! That is reason enough to celebrate everyone BUT we also have a fun little giveaway up for grabs as we say a fond farewell to this round of the Mom’s Fitness Challenge that I have been guest hosting with Heather/My Life Well Loved and Jessica/Happily Hughes.

Missed my previous posts?? Check them out now: Getting Back into All Things Healthy and Fit and Mom’s Fitness Challenge: Let’s Do It Together.

I’m checking in to keep myself accountable and hoping it stimulates you to keep yourself on track, too. This week, I am sharing four of my favorite not-to-miss fitness apps that help streamline my daily processes and set me up for success. Let’s face it, we are CONSTANTLY using technology for anything and everything in our daily lives, so why now use it to our advantage when it comes to health and wellness??!

ONE | My Fitness Pal

I used this app years ago when I was trying to shed those post-baby pounds and then somehow forgot about it until a few weeks ago. You can use it for SO many things, but hands down my favorite is the calorie counting component associated with it– it’s so easy to input your meals, snacks and water intake each day to ensure you’re within your ideal range to maintain/gain/lose weight based on the goals you set within the app. It’s free or you can pay a minimum monthly fee for the premium subscription, which allows for more options and breakdowns of nutrients, percentages, foods, etc.

TWO | Sweat: Kayla Itsines Fitness

I’ve talked about this app and program previously and I want to make sure any new readers definitely hear about this program, as it’s one of the most-popular out there AKA BBG and it’s all about HIIT fitness, which is my current favorite workout. Basically, the app breaks down your weekly workouts into resistance, cardio, recovery and a challenge, based on your week/level. They are 28-minute workouts so you can tackle them easily and you can even do them at home [assuming you have the necessary equipment/weights which is minimal]. Rach Parcell via Pink Peonies has done this program intensively for more than a year now and has talked about the program in depth if you want to know more!! Again, another easy app to walk you through the steps to keep you motivated ;).

THREE | Spotify

Some would say that this isn’t a fitness app, but for me,  I HAVE to have music when I work out or it’s just not going to happen! That’s where Spotify comes into the mix and saves the day. You can create custom music playlists for whatever and whenever you need… also known as get up and sweat it out jams for this mama! You guys are always asking for my workout playlist so if you’re a Spotify user, find me @nashvilletash and then like my “Work It Out” playlist–trust me, I won’t let you down!

FOUR| Sleep Cycle

This is my newest obsession and it’s geared towards all things sleep–yes, sleep. Because if you’re not getting the proper amount of rest each night you’re health and wellness is going to suffer my friends. This alarm clock tracks your sleep patterns and wakes you up during your “light sleep”…. AKA your natural waking time! It also uses sound analysis to identify your sleep states by tracking movements in bed, too. Crazy technology, right?!?!?!

So, are you ready for a MAJORLY fun giveaway!?!?!?! In celebration of the last post in our mommy fitness challenge wrapping up, my girls [Heather, Jessica and I] have teamed up to bring you an AWESOME mommy essentials giveaway prize pack that includes the incredible goodies below. Enter to win the $300+ valued prize via the Rafflecopter below!

    • Diff Aviator Sunglasses
    • MAC Qween Supreme Palette
    • L’Occitane Divine Cream 
    • WM Nutrition Pre-Workout 
    • Avon Mask
    • Real Techniques Base Makeup Set
    • + MORE

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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