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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Plaid Perfection… What I Love About Fall

fashion + beauty

October 26, 2018

Plaid Button Up | Scallop Orange Skirt | Perez 90MM Booties | Floppy Hat |
Tortoise Sunglasses [use my code NASHVILLETASH for $25 off] | Marmont Quilted Bag 

I’ve said it before and Anne of Green Gables said it best “I’m SO glad I live in a world where there are Octobers”

Literally one of my favorite months of the year, it’s refreshing to see the leaves changing colors, to get to wear jackets for cool, crisp morning temps and to be able to FINALLY get outside for some family fun adventures without suffocating in heat. Can I get an amen?!?!

To me, October is all about soaking in very last bit of goodness before the hustle and bustle of the holidays begin and trying to take time out of the busy schedules for more quality time outside, enjoying the weather, basking in the sunsets before daylight savings time is all gone for the winter and of course giving into the goodness of all the fall foliage and food. The little things my friends–this is the good stuff, what life is truly all about.

When it comes to my favorite fall fashion, plaid tops that list in every way, shape and form. Not sure why, but lumberjack chic is something I don’t mind attempting to pull off everyday and the assortment out there right now is just so dang good that all of us can hop on that train and never get off!

Layer it up for fall… the more options the better. I can’t turn down a good floppy hat and you’re going to see more on repeat in the hopes I can keep day 2 and 3 hair under wraps and still look put together!

Here’s a few of my fall favorites for food, cocktails, and all the things in between:

Heritage Navy Button Up 2 Suede Miniskirt 3 Give Thanks BannerCream Cheese Banana Nut Bread
5 Laser Cut Bootie 6 Green and Pink Plaid Shirt 7 Flounce Pull On Skirt 8 Orange and White Pumpkin
Jack Daniel’s Fall Cocktail [my signature recipe that never disappoints] 10  Wool Floppy Hat 11 Rumi Tassel Bootie


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