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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Sleepover Fun… Let it B Love Teepee Party

Family + Kids

October 2, 2018

I totally gave in… the girls hosted their very first sleepover a few weeks ago, and I can’t take any credit for the magic and wonderment that still has them talking. Jessi from Let it B Love reached out to me about one of their super sleepover parties and I instantly said YES when I saw just how cute their business is. It just so happened that Jeff was going on a long boys weekend away at the lake house so I knew it would be perfect timing for all girls’ fun.

the cutest party theme EVER

Their motto is You Celebrate, We’ll Decorate and that’s exactly what they do. I couldn’t get enough of the sweet, little details that made the Caroline and Carson’s Unicorn and Mermaid party SO cute! The most fun, luxury party for my little ladies so if you’re on the hunt for the perfect party package for your next shindig, TOTALLY take a look at everything they offer to local Nashville families–everything from teepees to glamping to weddings and more.

I’m all about the tiny details–the decor, the party loot–everything that makes a get together special. I could not believe the attention to detail Jessi provides with every single setup. String lights for the teepess, faux-candles for lanterns for little nightlights, party banners, matching party plates, cups and sweet treats… the list goes on and on!

look at this bar cart amazingness… hands down my favorite party detail 

happiest girls on the block… just don’t ask me what time they stayed up to 😉 

With every party they book, they give back to kids in our community. They are in the process of updating the downtown Nashville safe room, which is where kids are placed while in the process of foster care–and you know I love supporting small businesses that give back and do for others… more of what we need in the world!!!

The rest of our sleepover was jam-packed with girly girly goodness… hair and makeup application by yours truly, ice cream sundae making, dance and karaoke sing-a-longs and of course a late night filled with endless giggles and laughter. This is the stuff dreams are made of friends… the first of many sleepovers and I was so excited to be able to do something truly special and unique for their first spend-the-night!!

Thank you to Jessi and Let it B Love for making these memories my girls won’t soon forget!

  1. Emily says:

    great, another one! wow your kids are so lucky that they have so many curated experiences provided by sponsors

    • natashamassey@gmail.com says:

      So sorry that you feel that way Emily… my intent with this post was to share about a local business that I love and hopefully help them grow, as I’ve always been an advocate for small businesses. In fact, this post wasn’t sponsored, I just thought it was lighthearted and family-friendly and I am wanting to share more lifestyle content and get back to the basics of why I started blogging. My girls were over the moon excited for this sleepover (fun details and all) and your unwelcomed comment will never take away from the fact that I am trying to fill their lives with loads of fun and exciting memories they will always remember. Please, keep your negative feedback to yourself or feel free to read something else. Hope you have a GREAT day!

  2. Chelsey says:

    This is so cute!! It would be fun for a birthday party too! Do they also do boys parties? I don’t live in Nashville area, but this theme would be fun to recreate sometime!! 🙂 🙂

  3. Taylor says:

    LOVE the little glimpses we get of all your home finishes! Can’t wait to see the full reveal 🙂

  4. stacy grant says:

    Whoa. Negative Nellie up there! I thought it was adorable!!! If I lived in Nashville, you bet I would have used this for my daughter’s party!!

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