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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Faster Way to Fat Loss… My Round Two Results


April 22, 2019

I know SO many of you have been asking for this Faster Way to Fat Loss post and my apologies for just now getting it live, BUT I promise the wait is worth it!! Knee deep in my third round of FWTFL, I think it’s safe to say by my continued performance and love of this lifestyle that I don’t see myself NOT doing this anytime soon [P.S. yes, I totally took off last week when we were on the Disney cruise and it was absolutely worth it–another reason I work hard so I can play hard, too].

Faster Way to Fat Loss featured by top US life and style blog Hello! Happiness; Image of a woman wearing blue tank, Athleta sports bra, Athleta leggings and Nike shoes.

Speedlight Tank in Peacock | Hyper Focused Sports Bra in High Teal | Elation 7/8 Tight in High Teal | Gold  Tennis Shoes [on sale for $75]

Faster Way to Fat Loss Results

First up, I know more than anything you want to see some before and after pictures so I won’t make you scroll down to get to those nitty gritty details. Having said that, he is a look at my pictures:

BEFORE I started Faster Way to Fat Loss in December, AFTER I completed my first round in February, and AFTER completing my second round in April

Faster Way to Fat Loss featured by top US life and style blog Hello! Happiness

More than just the weight and inches that I’ve lost throughout the past 14 weeks, I’ve been able to tone and tighten my problematic areas [especially legs, butt and thigh region] and have educated myself more than I ever thought possible on fueling my body with the right nutrition, as well as continuing to implement intermittent fasting and carb cycling into my daily routine. Another favorite has been my increase in weight and strength training [I LOVE those workout days], and feeling better and more confident than ever before.

The biggest visual difference for me is in my lower abdomen + stomach area–I’m working closer and closer towards that six-pack [a very lofty and long-term goal I’ve set for myself] as well as my thigh area… and seeing my legs leaner has been my favorite difference. At 35, my body is stronger + more fit and it’s crazy to see the changes that have taken place over the last 14 weeks since I embarked on this FWTFL journey.

Faster Way to Fat Loss featured by top US life and style blog Hello! Happiness; Image of a woman wearing blue tank, Athleta sports bra, Athleta leggings and Nike shoes.

Coaster Luxe Sweatshirt

I am absolutely THRILLED with where I am at and what this current round looks like for me… so here’s the details of measurements and inches lost for round one and two:

Faster Way to Fat Loss featured by top US life and style blog Hello! Happiness

I can’t believe I’m down another 4.5 inches, which brings me to 8.25 inches lost over the two rounds. Having said that, I didn’t lose any pounds this round which was actually my goal–again, we don’t weigh ourselves at all during our our six-week training program of FWTFL, but I did do a weigh in before my second round and after I completed this last rotation.

As for workouts, I’ve become intimately familiar with weights and machines at my gym that used to intimidate me. I can now do pull-ups, plank for 2/3 minutes at a time, and sprint for 20+ minutes without feeling exhausted… it’s amazing to see how fast your body can adapt to these new methods of strength training, cardio and HIIT/tabata workouts and I love that I never get bored of doing the same moves and workouts day in and day out. My coach Allie Janszen [THE best of the best I assure you!!] keeps it current and offers us six-weeks of daily workouts so there is no guesswork–it’s all laid out for you and I keep a notebook with all of my workouts written down with me… one to keep me accountable and one so that I can take it with me on the go!

So what’s next?? Now, I am on a “maintenance” plan for my weight and don’t plan to lose any more, as I just want to keep on building lean muscle mass and tightening my core area and lower half.

Faster Way to Fat Loss featured by top US life and style blog Hello! Happiness; Image of a woman wearing blue tank, Athleta sports bra, Athleta leggings and Nike shoes.

Another exciting milestone for this mama has been getting SO many of my friends and social media followers involved in the FWTFL program. I know that it’s progress pictures and seeing an actual before and after that helps us visualize what can happen in a mere 42 days, and that’s been a huge win… seeing so many I know and love have success in everything FWTFL and letting me know that they never would’ve known about this if I hadn’t posted about it. So yes, all those daily check-ins via IG stories with my favorite workouts, recipes, tips and tricks, etc are working–YAY!!!

**you can see my favorite FWTFL foods and recipes here and I’ve got a full page dedicated to FAQ here**

Have I got you interested yet?? It’s crazy exciting to see just how many of you have joined this journey with me [I think we are over 300 already!!] and have loved your experience as well… like I’ve said before, I’m not a “diet” person as it doesn’t ever work for me, because this gal loves a good cocktail and has a major sweet tooth. So the fact that I can balance ALL of those things into this lifestyle was what sold me initially. I also have come to TRULY enjoy the daily intermittent fasting as well as the carb cycling and being able to share new this with all of you has been an added benefit, too!

So, what are you waiting for?? Our next prep week starts APRIL 29th, meaning you can enjoy all of the Easter candy that your bunny brought and then get set for success with us! Like I mentioned before, you can still indulge in the things you love and enjoy and meet your weight/performance goals… it’s all about balance and being sure to stick to your macros, complete your 30-40 minute workouts 5/times a week and also implement intermittent fasting so you’re eating your daily caloric needs within a set 8-hour window each day.

There are a ton of Faster Way to Fat Loss coaches out there and I am sure they are all fantastic in their own right, but what separates my coach from others is the EXTRA goodness she gives… daily check-ins via our private FB group, meal planning guides and recipes for each day of the week, daily workouts for the entire six-weeks AND so much more–I’m talking giveaways, drawings, extra resources and everything you need to succeed. So come on, JOIN ALLIE AND I FOR THIS NEXT ROUND OF FWTFL and get ready for swimsuit season…


  1. Haleigh Collins says:

    Hi! I clicked on the link to the coastal sweatshirt and it took me to a “live strip site”! Yikes! Just thought you should know.

    • natashamassey@gmail.com says:

      that is odd… i just did and it went to the athleta site?? maybe check pop-up blocker?? thank you!!!

  2. Sarah says:

    Girl you look amazing! Thanks for the motivation. Signed up to be in your next round! Looking forward to it.

  3. Julie S says:

    You have inspired me to sign up for the next round with you and Allie! Love following your journey with the program!

  4. Doreen Harwood says:

    Hi! Love your blog and follow you on instagram! Wanted to let you know that you do have clickbait on your site and every time you click on something, it takes you to a page to install a virus or bad sites.

  5. Heather says:

    Just signed up and I cannot wait!!!! Thank you for being so motivating!! 🙂

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