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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Good Eats | Ham + Poppyseed Sandwiches

Life + Style

December 21, 2019

Before anyone asks… sadly no I don’t know the macros breakdown of the scrumptuousness that follows. But I’ll be honest, it doesn’t really matter. These ham and poppyseed sandwiches contains all the goodness that was made for cheat days and one that’s a winner for parties and kids alike. It’s always a request at my house because it’s easy to execute, a great option for leftovers to reheat the next day and I can have them ready in under 30 minutes = total win.

You’ve been asking for more recipes in 2020 so I thought let’s finish this year off with one we LOVE and know you will, too…

Good Eats | Ham + Poppyseed Sandwiches by popular Nashville life and style blog, image of ham and poppyseed sandwiches.

Ham and Poppyseed Sandwiches


  • 1 package of Kings Hawaiian Rolls Cut in Half [but don’t cut all the way through!]
  • 1 lb Thinly Sliced Deli Ham
  • 1 package of Sliced Swiss Cheese [cut cheese slices in half too!]
  • 1/2 Stick of Salted Butter 
  • 2 tsp Sugar
  • 3 tsp Yellow Mustard
  • 1 tsp Worcestershire Sauce
  • 3 tsp Chopped White Onion
  • 2 tsbp Poppyseeds
  • Dash of Salt and Pepper


1. Heat all ingredients [other than ham, swiss cheese and rolls] in the microwave for 30-45 seconds and stir.
2. Layer cookie sheet with aluminum foil OR cooking spray
3. Layer 1 piece of ham and 1/2 slice of cheese and place in middle of each roll [be sure to place sandwiches close together!]
4. Pour heated ingredients over the top of the rolls.
5. Bake at 350 until heated through [about 12-15 minutes]
++P.S. I usually make extra sauce for dipping and/or extra to spread on top of the rolls–trust me, you’ll want more 😉
Have you tried ham and poppyseed sandwiches before? Let me know in a comment below!

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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