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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Dear Caroline… On Your 8th Birthday!


March 17, 2020

One year smarter, one year brighter, and one more year filled with our lucky charm…Caroline!  Happy 8th Birthday daughter of ours!

The birthday celebrations have been in full effect for more than a week now, yet they still don’t seem long enough to tell you just how proud I am to be your mama. You make everyday better with your kind and gentle soul, your nurturing way that you always look after others, and that smile that melts my heart like none other.

Happy 8th Birthday Daughter by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of a little girl wearing a sequin animal ears head band and sitting in front of a large orange drink.

Happy 8th Birthday Daughter by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of a little girl sitting in front of some floating book shelves.

Happy 8th Birthday Daughter!

Our little Tuttie… I hope you know how talented, special, smart, beautiful and generous you are. You’re becoming quite the violinist after practicing so hard for more than two years now. Your dedication to everything you try is a talent all in its own and I love your drive and ambition to succeed, for I know it will serve you well all through your life my baby.

This year has been filled with so many highs that it’s hard to count them all… masterfully learning to ride your bike was just one of the ways that makes me realize you’re not a “baby” anymore, but an actual little girl = I simply can’t believe eight years has flown by so fast. I can still remember you making your way into this world right on time + on your due date… surprising everyone, including me! Daddy fell head over heels in love with you and those sweet fluffy cheeks and everyone in our family couldn’t help but want to hold you and never put you down = I still to this day believe that’s why you love to cuddle and snuggle so much.

Happy 8th Birthday Daughter by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of a little girl wearing a Nike track suit and standing in front of a Christmas tree.

Happy 8th Birthday Daughter by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of a little girl standing outside with a clear umbrella.

Happy 8th Birthday Daughter by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of a little girl standing outside and wearing a floral jumpsuit.

Just recently, you came home a project completed at school where each person in the class had to list one adjective that comes to mind when they think of you and generous, helpful, kind, sweet, thoughtful and fun were repeated over and over again. As a parent, I couldn’t have been more proud… there is nothing in the world more important than kindness and how you treat others and you have the biggest heart CC.

Happy 8th Birthday Daughter by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of a little girl wearing a sequin flamingo shirt.

Happy 8th Birthday Daughter by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of a little girl wearing a unicorn dress.

I hope you know how much we love you… how much we admire you and are head over heels for the amazing daughter that you are! And I cannot wait to see what the next year has in store–surely more travel + trips, many more weekends at the lake house with you mastering wake surfing with daddy, lots of creative + crafting letting your imagination run wild and of course, quality time with my little lady watching you grow + live the best days of your life!

Today we celebrate our Sweet Caroline. Happy 8th birthday daughter of ours!! OXOX

Do you have a daughter that recently turned 8? Let me know in a comment below!

Happy 8th Birthday Daughter by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of a little girl wearing a pink star dress and pink flower headband.

Happy 8th Birthday Daughter by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of a little girl sitting criss cross applesauce and wearing a blue and white stripe jumpsuit and large blue bow in her hair.

  1. Caley says:

    Happy 8th birthday sweet Caroline!!
    Our precious Sophie turns 8 in a few weeks, and we cannot wait too!!! Even if it means a family celebration in isolation!

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