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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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life with caroline + carson… our 2020 summer bucket list


June 5, 2020

My oh my… our 2020 summer bucket list is looking quite different than previous years. Anybody else out there having some sad thoughts occupying their mind of what could have been?? The planner in me had an entire lineup of camps and our beloved babysitter all ready for once the girls got out of school, but alas, sometimes things just don’t go quite as you imagined. Having said that, I am thankful for our health and time together and here we are, making the best of this crazy season of life and I have a feeling lots of you are in the exact same boat.

Summer Bucket List by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of a girl giving another girl a piggy back ride in a grassy meadow and wearing Matilda Jane Clothing dresses.

Summer Bucket List by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of two girls holding hands and walking through a grassy meadow and wearing Matilda Jane Clothing dresses.

A few weeks ago, we met up with my beloved friend and oh so talented photographer Alli Golden for a sunset photo session in the fields of Franklin, right next to Arrington Vineyards. It was picture perfect and I was beyond thrilled to get some new images of my girls, just the two of them.

Goodness, she NEVER disappoints and I cannot wait to do this again very soon. Local Nashville friends… be sure to follow her via Instagram and/or Facebook to check out her next mini sessions just in time for summer: lavender fields on June 12/June 14, Americana minis [end of June/early July], and then back to school in early August.

Summer Bucket List by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of a girl standing in a grassy meadow and wearing Matilda Jane Clothing dresses.

Summer Bucket List by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of two girls embracing each other in a grassy meadow and wearing Matilda Jane Clothing dresses.

Summer Bucket List by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of a girl standing in a grassy meadow and wearing Matilda Jane Clothing dresses.

Matilda Jane Dresses | Images via Alli Golden Photography

Summer Bucket List

So, let’s quit the complaining and let’s talk about the good stuff AKA our summer bucket list to keep us occupied and excited. This is a super special list the girls and I sat down and worked on together. Things we want to do + action items they want to check off… they are at such great ages and we want to make the most of this summertime… so get crafty + creative with your own bucket list and make it count:

Summer Bucket List by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: digital 2020 summer bucket list printable.

I’m already checking the calendar for when we can Canoe the Caney, take the girls to Cheekwood Gardens for an afternoon picnic + Chihuly art, visiting the Nashville Farmer’s Market for fresh fruit, veggies, plants and more,  and of course plenty of opportunities for solo mommy and me daughter dates for each of my girls!

So tell me… what’s on your family’s summer bucket list this year??

Summer Bucket List by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of two girls holding hands while walking in a grassy meadow and wearing Matilda Jane Clothing dresses.


  1. B says:

    Currently we have, MEET NEW BABY (ANYDAY NOW), pick strawberries, make a pie, go camping, go SUP, go to a drive in movie, visit with the grandparents and go to the beach!

  2. Toni :0) says:

    Heal from my left knee replacement surgery I had last Monday. Hopefully plan a trip to the northern part of Michigan with our daughter at the end of July and a long week-end getaway with my husband at the end of August. Fingers crossed as so much else got canceled this year.

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