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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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fall into fitness challenge… let’s do it together!


October 1, 2020

I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers… aren’t you??? One of my favorite months has finally made its arrival and with that comes an all new Fall Into Fitness Challenge to get us moving and grooving and making the most of this incredible time of the year.

The details are simple… I’m joining forces with Heather from My Life Well Loved and Katie via Katie Starks for a month-long challenge to get our minds + body right! This month’s movement is all about focusing on lowering the stress of the season while giving back to YOURSELF by tracking goals to drink more water and get active every single day. You feel me??

Fall Fitness Challenge

Fall Fitness Challenge by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of a woman wearing a pair of  Nike Women's React Infinity Run Flyknit Running Sneakers from Finish Line, Savvi black sports bra, and purple Savvi leggings.

Dove Sports Bra | SSkin Leggings | Nike Epic Flyknit Sneaks

I for one have a feeling that I’ll be grazing over the candy bowl a few too many times between now and Halloween, so this is the PERFECT opportunity to keep me motivated and on track. I’m usually good with getting in my daily steps and some type of workout, whether that be strength training, HIIT style sprints, walking with the fam in the neighborhood, etc., but I’ll be the first one to admit that I struggle with getting in 8 glasses of water each day = such a small thing to do that makes a big impact to your overall health. Check out these  three benefits to drinking all the H2O:

ONE. It’s a natural appetite suppressant… if you participate in intermittent fasting like I do, it’s a great way to help keep your body hydrated prior to when you break your fast. It’s also been shown that drinking a glass of water 30 minutes before you eat helps to signal to your brain that you feel “full”.

TWO. It reduces liquid caloric intake… I gave up drinking sodas years ago and though I know it’s no comparison to a tasty glass of sweet tea or Dr. Pepper, I feel better by not fueling my body with all that sugar each day. Try taking them out of your diet or eliminating them when possible and it’ll help get your body fueld by what it actually needs!

THREE. Water helps with workouts… y’all know how much I LOVE a good workout and it gets me motivated to tackle my days. Water also helps your muscles, tissues and joints move correctly while aiding our lungs, heart and organs to function at their best! Always keep your water bottle with you when you’re working out and drink as much as you can before, during and after.

Fall Fitness Challenge by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of a woman wearing a pair of  Nike Women's React Infinity Run Flyknit Running Sneakers from Finish Line, Savvi black sports bra, white Savvi tank top, and purple Savvi leggings.

Aja Tank | SSkin Leggings | DOVE Sports Bra

And speaking of working out, let’s chat briefly about three key benefits of moving and grooving on the daily:

ONE. It helps stimulate fat loss… You might be reading this saying “duh Natasha!” but hear me out on this. Notice I said FAT instead of WEIGHT–this is the mentality we take in my FWTFL program and it’s benefitted my mind, body and soul tremendously over the last two years. We don’t focus on the number on the scale, we focus on the inches we lose and the way our clothes fit = two things that actually matter!!! Working out daily increases your ability to burn that pesky fat away and helps slim and tone. Get that metabolism going and get happy doing so. Remember, muscle also weighs more =  don’t let the scale fool you.

TWO. It promotes happiness… I mean this is the land of all things happy so you HAD to know I was going to mention this about working out. Endorphins + adrenaline + dopamine = those feel good chemicals in our brain that get released when we work out. Yes, we all have bad days, but I find that I can turn my mood around when I make myself work out = just get 30 minutes in somehow and your body will thank you for it.

THREE. Working out increases energy levels… yep, you heard me correctly, it sure does! I know a workout can sound dreadful and sometimes feel like the LAST thing we want to do, but in reality a walk could benefit you more than a nap. Our bodies were made to move and we want to use them to their maximum potential = that magical tonic or energy drink won’t fix that lack of energy… get back to the fundamentals!!

Fall Fitness Challenge by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of a woman wearing a pair of  Nike Women's React Infinity Run Flyknit Running Sneakers from Finish Line, Savvi black sports bra, and purple Savvi leggings.


To keep us all on track + accountable, we created this handy dandy printable that you can keep on the fridge or at your desk as a daily check-in to make sure you GET IT DONE. Remember, we are all in this together AND to keep you motivated, we are hosting a fun giveaway where you can win a $100 SAVVI Gift Card, $100 Amazon Gift Card and Bottle of Modere Liquid Collagen. To enter, just tag @mylifewellloved, @katiestarks and @nashvilletash when you’re working out via IG stories and that’ll get you entered!

Fall Fitness Challenge by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of a printable Fall Fitness Challenge calendar.

Are you going to enter the fall fitness challenge?  Let me know in a comment below!

  1. Ashley Lang says:


    I love the printable, however, it won’t let me click on it to download and print it? Is there another link?

  2. Missy says:

    Love this, but I’m having the same issue with the printable, not able to click it and print.

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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