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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Our Very Merry Holiday Cards with Minted


November 17, 2020

Run Run Rudolph… Santa has to make it to town!!! And make it he will, especially since this mama is on the ball for all things holiday, at least when it comes to her Minted Christmas cards. If you’ve been a fan or friend of ours for any length of time, you know I only have one destination recommendation when it comes to holiday cards–and that place is Minted. We have worked with Minted for 10 years now [yes I said 10 years… how can that be?!?!] on our Christmas cards and you know I ALWAYS love a little walk down memory lane of our family style, dating all the way back to 2010. You can see all 10 years of these miletones from Minted if you check out last year’s post here [also great family outfit inspriation if you’ve yet to take your photos]...

Having said that, if you’re on the hunt for the most incredibly designed, well-priced, luxe paper cards this holiday season with a ton of customizable options like I love, then Minted is the place for you, too. This is always one of my most beloved posts all season because I get to see how much our girls are growing up [make it stop please], but also get to share a little snapshot into sentimental pics from the fabulously talented Alli Golden Photography as well. So alas, I can’t wait any longer, let’s deliver the goodness you’ve been itching to see and I’ve been dying to share:

Our 2020 Minted Christmas Cards

Minted Christmas Cards by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of Minted Christmas cards, knit Christmas lights garland, and an orange bottle brush Christmas tree.

Red Tiered Maxi Dress | White Blouse | Ruffled Tartan Skirt | Tartan Dress | Plaid Blazer

The Catalog Christmas Card design was a hands down favorite from everyone in my family to use this holiday season… I think we all need a little more bright + cheerful just like our ensembles and this card fit that bill perfectly. Just like always, I changed it to feature rounded corners, signature cardstock as well as a customized back with a little update on our crazy clan and a picture of all three of our babies, yes even including Tucker. Are you surprised?? I know, I am that dog mom now ;).

It’s always a challenge narrowing down our top picture picks for the front and back of the card because I love them all so much, but I absolutely love both shots and the people that make them magic. Even better, Minted offers FREE recipient addressing, which saves me so much time and energy so I can focus on other seasonal shindigs and for that I am forever grateful. Now let the assembly line begin… adding our holiday washi tape, Santa stamps and then they’ll be on their merry little way!

Looking for your own Minted holiday cards?? I rounded up a handful of new 2020 styles I love, too:


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