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Good Eats | Low Carb Pepperoni Pizza Chicken Bake

food and drink

February 11, 2021

Low carb dinners can be somewhat tricky in my house… my two consecutive low carb days–Mondays and Tuesdays-are filled with after school activities for both of the girls so our options are limited with what I can make efficiently, but still something EVERYONE under my roof will eat without complaining. One of which is a low card pepperoni pizza chicken bake.

The other day I was trying to meal plan before heading to the grocery store and I saw Allie post this recipe from Kalyn’s Kitchen for a proper low carb day meal packed with protein and low on sugar. Even better, I had all of the necessary ingredients on hand also known as pantry + fridge clean-out special so I whipped this one up in under 20 minutes and then added a caesar salad on the side for Jeff and I and then added spaghetti for the girls to eat with… easy, fast and so so delish!

Pepperoni Pizza Chicken Bake by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of a pepperoni pizza chicken back in a white ceramic dish next to a pink and leopard print towel.



  •  1 jar low-sugar pizza sauce–I use Ragu which is just 4G net carbs
  •  4 boneless-skinless chicken tenderloins
  •  1 TBSP olive oil
  •  1 TSP oregano
  •  1 TSP garlic powder
  •  1 8oz bag of shredded mozzarella
  •  2oz. sliced pepperoni (I used regular for the extra fat, but you can substitute with turkey if needed)


  1. Preheat oven to 400… I then cooked chicken in boiling water and set aside
  2. Spray inside of baking dish with olive oil spray and then lay cooked chicken in a single layer on the bottom of the pan
  3. Top with oregano and garlic powder and then add pizza sauce
  4. Add a generous layer of shredded mozzarella cheese over chicken and sauce mixture and then top with pepperoni slices
  5. Bake for 25-35 minutes until cheese is melted and pepperoni is slightly crisped… serve hot and enjoy!
  1. Geralyn says:

    Receipe looks great! Will try it!

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