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my journey with anxiety and cbd


February 5, 2021

If you’ve been around for any length of time, you may very well know that I’ve chatted about my General Anxiety Disorder many times here on the blog. Not only to help myself, but as an informative way to share my struggles and hopefully help others who walk with anxiety throughout their daily lives, too. It was something I tried to hide for years, one because I felt like I had something wrong with me, and two because I didn’t want to admit that I needed help.  Which is why I want to have a more open dialogue and share my journey with anxiety and CBD.

My Journey with Anxiety and CBD

A few years ago after talking with my incredible therapist/counselor, it was time to take my mental health into my own hands and get the help I so desperately needed. It’s been more than four years since I was diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder [GAD] and now it’s something I talk about with a lot of my friends around me.

As of now, I take daily medication that my primary care physician prescribed to me and it’s been one of the biggest changes, not only for myself, but for my marriage as well as motherhood and my career. We have semi-annual checkups to make sure all is well with my medicine and how I’m feeling, changes in mood, etc so just remember it’s not a one-time fix: it’s something you and your doctor should chat about frequently to ensure you’re on the right medicine [obviously I’m not a doctor, but I’ve tried different medicines that weren’t working properly so I say all of this to remind yourself to be diligent with not only your physical health, but your mental health as well].

It helps me balance my life in every single aspect, therefore not always feeling like I’ve stacked too much on my plate or constantly worrying about EVERY little solitary detail. This season of life is a challenging one, and it’s been so refreshing to be able to walk through these years without fear of feeling like I’m not doing my best or being good enough.

Anxiety and CBD by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of Equilibria CBD products.

Having said that, there are certainly days where I need to pay a little more attention to my anxiety and that’s where Equilibria comes into play. Not sure what it is?? It’s premium CBD that’s personally picked out for you with the right amount of dosage YOU need. The CBD trend has definitely shifted in the past few years and I’ve been a long-time user of their products, now for more than two years.

Long story short: to start, they pair you with someone from their CBD clinical support team who will help you find the right dosage. When I started, I grabbed the Brilliance Box–which includes their top three products: the Daily Drops, Daily Softgels and my personal favorite, Relief Cream. They are work in separate ways, so be sure to read here for more info and specifics. Once I got my specific dosage figured out, I then tried the Dynamic CBD Roller and keep one in my bag for easy access. The best place to apply?? The inside of my wrists and temples = just trust me.

Anxiety and CBD by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of Equilibria CBD products.

The other day I took to Instagram to chat about CBD as well as anxiety and what you wanted to know, so I thought I’d share a brief Q+A chat to answer a few that many of you inquired about:

Anxiety and CBD by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of CBD Q & A.

Anxiety and CBD by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of CBD Q & A.

Anxiety and CBD by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of CBD Q & A.

Anxiety and CBD by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of CBD Q & A.

Anxiety and CBD by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of CBD Q & A.

Anxiety and CBD by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of CBD Q & A.

In sharing this personal story of mine, my hope is that it can help YOU or someone you love seek help if you feel those deep pains of inadequacy and constantly being overwhelmed like I too felt for so long. Big hugs friends, we are all in this together!!

Do you have any other questions about anxiety and CBD?  Let me know in a comment below!

  1. Jenn Frazier says:

    I love when someone shows you can have anxiety or depression and still be happy and live life to the fullest – though it may not be as easy! Kudos.

    • natashamassey@gmail.com says:

      i appreciate this kindness more than you know Jenn… means a lot and I hope that sharing definitely helps others, too OXOX

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