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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Dream, Imagine and Learn: A New Adventure in Creativity…

Family + Kids

June 14, 2021

++this Smarts and Crafts post is sponsored by Walmart… thrilled to collaborate with a household brand we all know and love and excited to share some new arrivals for the kiddos today!!

“I’m bored”… the words no mama wants to hear from their littles when that summer schedule kicks into high gear. I’ll be honest, I stocked up on LOTS of activities and time occupiers before school let out so that we could have lots of fun + get our creative juices flowing to combat the days when we aren’t at a camp or out of town and I still hear that sentiment all too often.


Smarts and Crafts by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of Smarts and Crafts products.

Just this past week, the brand new collection of Smarts & Crafts by Todd Oldham debuted at Walmart and if you’re on the hunt for Activity Kits, Travel Sets, DIY Toys or Kids Room Essentials in a hue of rainbow fabulousness, they’ve got something that everyone will want to bring home for fun and learning all in one.

Smarts and Crafts by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of Todd Oldham standing next to some Smarts and Crafts products.

Created as a way to encourage ambient learning at home, this collection evokes imagination, intuitive problem solving and connects language + measurement + history + science and engineering skills so they can learn AND play in the space they feel most comfortable! And may just give you some quiet time while they create, too = see a win win for everyone.

Some of these I am having to keep hidden for now because they might be presents for someone’s birthday coming up next week!! My girls LOVE some art kits and ways to play together and when all of these goodies are priced at under $25, you can pick a few to let their imagination run wild, while learning at the same time.

Smarts and Crafts by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of Smarts and Crafts journal studio, paint and play, paint sticks, brush set, and fairy tale craft kit.
Fairy Tale Kit | Make Your Own Journal Kit | Paint Sticks | Paint + Play Unicorn | Paint Brush Set | Paper Pad

More than 30 items are featured and I love that they offer insightful items for a range of ages, specifically those kiddos from 5 to 12 years and us adults who love to create as well.

Smarts and Crafts by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of Smarts and Crafts wooden flower garden.
Wooden Flower Garden | Jewelry Maker

AND while we are speaking about all things colorful and creative, let’s chat about the rainbow assortment of pillows, bedding, blankets and more to bring a little more POP into your playroom or kids bedroom this season without spending a ton of money!

The girls’ playroom has always been filled with all the whimsical I could find… rainbow bookshelves, mix and match pillows for our sectional sofa and of course other additions to make it a proper play place, so I wanted to share a handful of new finds we scooped up from Smarts + Crafts Room Collection for a comfy space that’s perfect for lounging and for taking in movie night together.

Smarts and Crafts by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of smarts and crafts rainbow flower pillows.
Rainbow Floor Pillow | Flower Power Pillow

Needing a cute new throw blanket to cuddle with?? This Candy Drop Throw Blanket is super soft and at only $19, it’s a great way to add a bit of bright anywhere. And because my girls are always asking for different blankets so they can tell their apart, this Technicolor Diamond Throw Blanket checks off another option for just $12.

Smarts and Crafts by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of Smarts and Crafts rainbow throw pillow.

Finally, if you’re looking to bring in all the ROYGBIV into a guest bedroom, I think this Rainbow Pillow is just the ticket to bring you out of the neutral zone and live in color like me for just $28.

Smarts and Crafts by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of Smarts and Crafts rainbow throw pillows.

Want to shop more of the Smarts & Crafts capsule?? I’ve linked up a few more finds to add to your cart + make your days filled with color, happy, creativity and fun:

Smarts and Crafts by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: collage image of Smarts and Crafts multi color sheet set, decorative wall art, color block comforter set, magical sparkle window panels, black and white kit, Fuzzy sticks and wooden beads, rainbow smush crayon, craft supply library, make your own alien, Monster paint by numbers, monster craft kit, and comic book studio.

Summer Room Refresh: Multicolor Sheet Set | Decorative Wall Art | Colorblock Comforter Set | Magical Sparkle Window Panels

Crafting in Color: Black and White Kit | Fuzzy Sticks + Wooden Beads | Rainbow Smush Crayon | Craft Supply Library

Do it Yourself Kits: Make Your Own Alien | Monster Paint by Numbers | Monster Craft Kit | Comic Book Studio

What do you like the most about the new Smarts and Crafts line? Let me know in a comment below!


  1. Caley says:

    OMG!!! SO much fun! LOVE all the colours and amazing activities x

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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