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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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eight years old… happy bday carson elizabeth

Family + Kids

June 15, 2021

Don’t mind me, probably over here crying in a corner today… everytime my babies take a trip around the sun I get all emotional and hormonal and my heart aches because the time is fleeting and I want it to stop so I can relish in this season for just a tad bit longer.

This one has been counting down for MONTHS for her 8th birthday, our 6|1|5 baby [which just happens to be our area code randomly enough] and we are so happy to get to spoil our little nugget silly today.

We kicked off the bday festivities this past weekend with a fun unicorn decorating party by way of Sugar Drop and have continued celebrating today… the perks of a summer birthday in full effect I guess. Lots of pool play dates and staying up late and eating leftover cake for breakfast = I’d say she is living her best life.

Just like always, I want to talk a walk down memory lane at what all has transpired this past year since my baby turned seven…

I’d say this was a year none of us will ever forget, though we hope never to have to repeat it again. It’s been a year of learning and patience and trying to overcome and finding a sense of “normal” among all the chaos and my little cutie handled it all with such grace and dignity and thrived through all of it.

getting their ears pierced last August!
retired from gymnastics and moved onto all things dance

Last August, she was one of the lucky ones to get to go back to school in person and 2nd grade proved to be a pivotol year for her academically… mastered her multiplication faster than I could’ve dreamed and moved onto all things division halfway through the schoolyear. Her reading has increased tremendously, though we still need to work on comprehension [yep, she is totally my child].

She absolutely LOVES to spell and always aces her tests each week. She also fell in love with history and social studies, all because of her amazing teacher Ms. Cronin, who we all fell in love with. She was just happy to be back with her friends and getting to play together, attend her extracurricular activities and riding the bus to and from school everyday!

Another big achievement was that she made the competiton team at Roots Dance Academy after trying out last summer. This past year has been filled with rehearsals and practices 3 days each week, with lots of compettitions and events this spring, and then we finished out the season strong with her end of year dance recital in May. Seeing our little dancer take the stage doing what she loves most has been an absolute dream come true–so much progress and determination with a mindset that she can do anything with enough hard work and persistance.

Hip hop is her absolute favorite with lyrical as a close second… and now we are getting in gear for try-outs in a few weeks for what hopes to be her second year in the mini competition program at Roots. And for the icing on the cake?? She was awarded the SPIRIT award by her peers and mentors at dance = making my mama heart so proud!

This past year, we were able to travel to Rosemary Beach for fall break, Hilton Head with our cousins during Thanksgiving, lots of trips to the lake, Spring Break at the beach, and now summer is officially here so cue all the camps, relaxing mornings, swim lessons and quality time with these adorable babies of mine.

Time sure does fly when you’re having fun sweet baby of mine… I hope you know how proud daddy and I are of you nugget! Cannot believe you surprised us two weeks early EIGHT YEARS AGO today! Thrilled to celebrate your spunk, charasmatic personality, happy go lucky self and cuddle all day today… Happy Happy Birthday Carson Elizabeth, we love you OXOX

  1. Caley says:

    Ah HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweet girl!! You truly are a ray of sunshine and so full of fun and sass!
    I love seeing all your dance photos x

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