Back to school means all the fun first week favorites that excite me even now… decorating your locker [Caroline was so excited for that this year and yes we went all out with a rug, LED lights, shelf, dry erase board and mirror], breaking in that new backpack, lunchbox and water bottle, strutting your new styles = you know the important stuff!!
I remember when the girls were little, I got to help make their “All About Me” posters and it was something I enjoyed so much… getting it laminated, putting up pictures of the family and listing out all their favorite things specific to how old they were = yes, maybe it was more for me than them, but you still get the idea.

Last week they both got to do a Brown Bag Autobiography where they select 5 things around the house that helps their fellow classmates learn more about what makes them unique, so I thought for this 5 things installment, I would do the exact same thing, in an adult form, especially for you new friends + faces to learn a bit more about me!
No shame in my game… I am a lover of all things color and believe you should dress for your mood! For me, that includes lots of pink + red, orange + yellow, and all the print and pattern I can find. Not only do I incorporate this into my style and accessories, but of course all throughout our home as well. Life should be lived in techicolor, not black and white ;). And if I had to pick just one, you best bet it would be ALL THINGS PINK!

Never did I EVER think I would be the person obsessed with their dog, but alas, Tucker has me whipped! Our 12-pound teacup goldendoodle runs the roost and serves as my literal sidekick day in and day out. Rarely does he leave me and poor Jeff gets pushed to the other side of the bed every night so Tucker can snuggle up with his mommy. Now we have to start getting ready to celebrate his 2nd birthday next month [because yes, any excuse to throw a party, right?!?!]

Another dream destination, the beach… I would absolutely move to the beach if my family wasn’t so close because my heart hurts every single time we leave. We have been vacationing to the 30a community for 20+ years now and last year we finally found the perfect spot for our home away from home. We purchased it, did a 2 month renovation, and now it’s available for rent in Rosemary Beach. And yes, shockingly it’s full of color, pattern and fun, too. You can follow along via @roshambeauxrosemary, too.

Ohhh this is a hard one, but I feel like we always see the back to school signs that say what their child wants to be when they grow up. Mine would change each year–but a few I can remember: a veterinarian, an interior designer and a teacher were all top contenders BUT I think if I had to select my dream career now, it would hands down be a clothing designer. I think it would be SO much fun to get to do that on a full-time basis, traveling the world for inspiration and textiles and then bringing them to life. You’ll see some fun collabs in the future where I get to do just this, so stay tuned. Maybe my dream might come true afterall!

I’ve written down quotes and words of affirmation for YEARS… seriously, since college I have jotted down meaningful words and lines that meant something to me and keep them stored in a keepsake journal I’ve now had for 15+ years. But I know that’s not accessible to everyone so a few years ago I started a Pinterest Board for all things Quotables that I like to share each and every morning via Instagram. Not only does it start my day out right, but I share in the hopes to inspire and motivate y’all as well. It’s nothing fancy, but it’s totally something that encourages kindness and inclusion and always making every day count!

Which of these ‘All About Me‘ facts did you find most interesting or didn’t already know? Share in a comment below!
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