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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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the new look of hello happiness

Life + Style

July 19, 2022

I’ve been wanting to do this for almost a year and I finally bit the bullet. Long story short: my previous website design + overall branding never got “finished” and I felt as though it was just a placeholder for the time being. If you’ve been here for the long haul, you know my former website designer [who shall remain anonymous unless you tell me you’re using her-ha] ghosted me right after I submitted my final payment and never completed the changes she promised to make, so I was forced to work within my means [and rely on YouTube videos] on how to make edits, change html code, etc. Needless to say, it’s not my gift and though I did the best I could and made it work for awhile, I was never satisfied with the way it turned out.

Fast forward a little more than a year ago I started looking at branding agencies, website designers, backend design and I stumbled upon Elizabeth McCravy. I absolutely loved the new ShowIt website templates she was selling and heard how easy this new design interface was for content creators to use themselves, so I bought a design and then asked her for guidance on customization, installation and who to work with to make it mine. That’s when she recommended the fabulous Maya Palmer Designs.

I can’t tell you how stinking happy I am with everything Maya did. She walked me through the entire process, we had multiple conversations about the look and feel as well as completely new branding and color palettes and the overall design of what I wanted my revamped website to look like. Countless revisions and edits later, I knew she had worked her magic not only on the backend to make things simple and streamlined, but she has been a DREAM to collaborate with and today I’m thrilled to get to share the final look of the new Hello Happiness.

Within the walls of this website, you’ll find LOTS more color [I’m sure you’re going to love it too], easier to find navigation and search toolbars and a much more user friendly experience from start to finish. We also added these oh-so-handy new and updated pages as well:

Discount Codes Page | All the FAQs | My Amazon Storefront | All About Me Page

So take a look around, familiarize yourself with the new + very much improved design and I’ll be back later this week with more new blog posts and fun finds you won’t want to miss!

  1. Laura Vanderburg says:

    Love this blog of yours! I’m so happy for you and so glad that I subscribed! Keep up the great work, girlfriend! 🤗🧡

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