It’s all about the pomp + circumstance… it’s almost graduation time!! Such a fun and exciting milestone to mark complete for so many incredible young adults out there so it’s only fitting we should praise them a bit for all of their hard work, dedication, and success.
And so the adventure begins… this will be the beginning of yet another journey and I know it can be hard to tell someone exactly how proud of them you are, SO why not show them with some great gift ideas they will be thankful for and will also come in handy in this new chapter of life. I know it can be easy to just throw some cash in a card or write a check, but let’s get creative this graduation season and give some awesome gifts to the upcoming grads you know and love.
Here are some gift ideas I have put together that hopefully will help if you are stuck or need some creative new options and surely will be something useful to use for their future! The first is for anyone and everyone and of course the second is dedicated to all my Tennessee VOL grads 😉
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