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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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27 old mill… our first house flip project


January 24, 2024

Another one bites the dust!!! Proud wife moment over here because Jeff finally finished his very first home flip + renovation project this past week and it is finally on the market. It’s most certainly been a labor of love over the past 18 months, but it’s ready to make someone else oh so happy.

Backing up a bit: we’ve been dabbling into real estate over the past five years, starting with our Rosemary Beach Condo, Ro Sham Beaux and then followed that up with a single-family home called The House of Palms in the Magnolia neighborhood in Seacrest. We absolutely love the rental market down on 30a and it’s been fun side projects for our family to enjoy together as well!

Having said that, Jeff got the opportunity to buy this new property back in 2022 and he jumped on it immediately, but after talking through our investments and upcoming expenses we are saving for, we decided to renovate and flip to sell this beautiful home! So with that decision made, we dove in head first = working through construction and pretty much taking out every single bit of the interior and completely crafting a custom house anyone would adore.

Now for me, that meant stepping out of my colorful comfort zone and incorporating lots of neutrals as I realize that appeals to a wider range of potential buyers. It was challenging from time to time, putting my personal aestethic aside in exchange for something more traditional, but we are ecstatic with the finished design and now it’s ready to sell! Our hope is that a new family will get to enjoy thr beach just as much as we do or rent it out for other guests to enjoy on their vacation getaway. And yes, Jeff is already itching to do another flip, though I made him promise me he’s going to take a small break and just ENJOY 😉

Lots of you have been asking for links to anything and everything included in the final design so I am including those below for easy reference [I linked everything I could –if it’s not linked, it’s something I found locally and/or no longer online for purchase]!! And of course, if you know of anyone that’s in the market for a beautiful home along picturesque 30a, feel free to send them our way [check out out listing here]:

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