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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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my mantra + word of the year for 2024

Life + Style

January 5, 2024

If you’ve been a longtime blog follower, you know that I opt for a singular word of the year rather than lofty new year’s resolutions. I feel like it’s truly helped me navigate going into a season of life with a clear focus on what I hope to achieve and helps me stay motivated throughout the 12 months.

For me, setting these intentions for every aspect of my life = both work + personal has been a gamechanger… for who I want to be, what I want to complete and how I want to live. I’ve always loved the idea of a vision board to help guide those goals so I crafted a virtual one below to keep on my phone as a reminder of what I want out of 2024 which visually represents what my focus + perspective will be for this new year…

One word for the entire year?? Yes, I know it can seem overwhelming, but I’m here to help. As a look back, here are the words I settled on the past five years: in 2023 I wanted to INSPIRE, for 2022 I put my HEART into everything I did, then in 2021 I opted to CELEBRATE everything, in 2020 I focused on all the JOY in life, and in 2019 I did all I could to INVEST my time in the stuff that truly mattered.

It’s funny to look back and see all I did to live out those specific words for each 12-month span and how those words impacted my life in aspects of family, friends, faith, work, travel and more. As for this year, I started making a draft list of potential ideas back in November and this is the shortlist of what I came up with when brainstorming for 2024:

From that point, I pulled up a dictionary and went through every one of the words… carefully examining the meaning of them and which stuck out to me most in terms of where I am now and where I hope to be come December. And from there, I came up with my 2024 word of the year:

Savoring the sweet stuff… not just passing through, but truly giving life to every single moment that comes my way in 2024 = relishing in all of it and giving it the space + attention it deserves. For instance, if I hit a goal with my business I should celebrate. It doesn’t have to be some over the top announcement or styled photoshoot, it can simply be me taking the time to say “job well done and heck yes, that’s awesome”. I know this is going to take a lot of practice because in this day and age we move so quickly from one thing to the next, but I am really going to strive to be more in the moment… I want to SAVOR each specific memory = that way I won’t miss the actual occurrences in my life worth remembering.

In turn, I hope it will be a way to reduce my stress, because I’ll be focusing on the GOOD. It’ll allow me to enjoy what I have rather than thinking about what I don’t = a sentiment I think we all could use some help with! It could be a simple act of kindness, getting one on one time with one of your kids or a day where you simply do nothing, but relax. So for me, that’s slowing down and enjoying each + every moment.

Just remember, it’s not a pass/fail but a daily stop and consider kind of mantra and I’m excited to integrate it in the days of 2024… so with that, come along for the celebration and let’s SAVOR all that this new year brings! OXOX

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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