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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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let’s get away | shop small with allison ny

fashion + beauty

February 15, 2024

I feel like a lot of times, it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle of social media. For instance, I’ve had lots of other content creators shocked at the idea that I still have an active blog. I know to some it may seem like a time suck, but for me it’s been a creative outlet going on 16 years, and I will continue to use this space for as long as you’ll have me.

I feel like I have definitely pivoted in the last year or so. Not really trying to crank out 4-5 blog posts each week like I used to [isn’t that insane!?] but rather going with the quality over quantity route. I craft blog posts to share something I love and adore with others, to recap vacations and trips via travel guides, to share noteworthy recipes we love and think you will too and then just as I’ve always done, I LOVE to feature small brands I hope to help introduce to a larger audience!

Shopping small continues to be a huge focus for me and I don’t see that changing. I always adore the big box retailers no doubt = but there is something way more special for me when I see the brand and the vision behind it. Case in point, today’s feature: Shop Allison New York.

It’s a label that was made for those of us who love some color, pattern, and perfectly dressed up styles, no matter the occasion! I absolutely adore their lightweight pieces = especially now that I am starting to plan my outfits for Turks + Caicos for spring break next month!!! Each of her designs embraces unexpected details and try not to smile big when you put one of her 2024 new arrivals on…

Case in point, the brand new debut of this GORGEOUS Zia Dress. Created in a super lightweight cotton gauze with an all over black and white palm print, it’s the perfect throw on and go kind of spring style and I just adore the boxy body fit! [runs TTS/wearing XS]

Another resort inspired must… this Everly Maxi Dress! Give me the ikat, but in a watercolor blue + green palette = the fit is FAB in every way and I just love the little peek-a-boo cutout waistline paired with the voluminous skirt silhouette. Adorned with billowy sleeves = it’s a vacation dream come true and the best part is that you can wear a normal bra with it as well! [wearing XS/runs TTS]

Ready to shop the latest and greatest from one of New York’s most beloved boutique designers?? Take a peek at their all new debuts with the spring 2024 release below:

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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