Fact: I gave up coffee one year for Lent.
Second Fact: That will NEVER happen again.
I recently stumbled across this infographic regarding the benefits of drinking coffee and couldn’t wait to share… less likely to develop Alzheimer’s, lower risk of stroke, and lessens the likelihood of developing Type 2 diabetes!
Lately I have found myself wanting to try new varieties, including those fair-trade certified blends like Etopia Forte, Lungo Italico, and Honduras Pura Forte just to name a few! And these cute little coffee capsules are 30% less than other options… more affordable = more coffee and espresso for this gal!!
Have someone that loves their morning cup of joe??? I’m a coffee mug connoisseur and love finding new treasures for our cabinet!
Sipping my second cup (of sometimes 3!) of coffee and loved the quick fact sheet! Gotta love medical benefits of something you love!
ok i am glad i'm not the only 3 cup kinda of girl…lol
im not a fan of coffee but i cant go a day without crystal lite with caffeine. xo jillian – cornflake dreams
i WISH i could give up my coffee 😉
What coffeemaker do you use???
Do you like your Nespresso? I wonder if it is worth the money. I have a Keurig now so I would have to talk my husband into a new coffee maker.
Just as long as it's my organic green tea infused and coconut oil based coffee I'm good to go! Learned that there is tons of pesticides in coffee!