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gifts worth giving || the ornaments


December 8, 2015

I love ornaments… collecting them from all our travels, from significant events that have come and gone [wedding, first Christmas, new home, etc], and I love taking each and every one out from our holiday boxes each year to hang them on that special limb on the tree as a keepsake to show what we’ve done and where we’ve been. 

I’m sure some of you friends out there in blogging land have ornament swap parties and such, so I wanted to be sure to come up with a festive, fun, and creative gift guide devoted to all things ornaments. I always gift each of my girls and Jeff one every Christmas to commemorate what they loved/did/stood out about that year [for 2015 it’s ballet for CC and flamingos for Carson] so we can look back and reminisce. Everyone has their favorites and these are some eye candy I’ve spotted this year! 

And be sure to buy the proper storage for all your treasures so they don’t get broken… which makes for very unhappy elves! These are my go-to storage boxes for ornaments and they are nothing short of AMAZING. 
  1. Jess Scott says:

    Love these!! We collect ornaments and coffee mugs from our travels…I love our quirky collections!!

  2. I LOVE THESE! I have an ornament swap tonight and am now feeling lame because these ideas are SO much cooler.

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