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Five on Friday…Thankful Series, Part Three


November 15, 2013

One. My Mommy
I’ve been celebrating this lovely lady this week because her birthday was Wednesday…she is 51 and looking amazing! I might be a mommy myself now, but I know I’m still her “baby” and she is always there to listen, offer advice, wrap her arms around me, and might still take care of me when I’m under the weather. I’m thankful for everything she has done to give me a better life…my Mom sacrificed a lot to give me a happy childhood, and always worked harder than everyone else (and still does) to provide for her family. She is incredible and I am humbled by her spirit, and she is now the best Mimi to my two sweet babes. I love you Mom. 
Two. Warm Clothes and the Ability to Help Others
Now that winter has officially taken over Nashville and colder temps are here, I don’t want to forget to take time to appreciate the things that seem simple to us, but to others make a world of difference. I am thankful for warm clothes…something so many don’t have the luxury of. And now is the perfect time to donate those things you don’t wear anymore to those less fortunate…my favorites include the Warm Coats and Warm Hearts Coat Drive , Feeding America (for donating food and groceries), Toys for Tots, and Soldier’s Angels (for giving gifts to our soldiers). 

Three. Girl Time
This week has been a lot easier than the last…CC’s sickness is gone, I’m feeling better and being more productive, and I’ve had some time to relax and unwind with the girls a bit. Tonight is going to be EVEN BETTER when we head out to see our TN man Justin Timberlake in concert. Yes, we are teeny boppers at heart, but I am pumped to see him live. I might be the obnoxious one singing every word to all his songs, but a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do! First up is dinner at the Music City Tippler followed by a night out with my ladies…get ready Nashville! I am so thankful for girl time.

Four. My Husband AKA Life Partner
When life gets hectic, it’s easy to forget about your significant other and focus on other things…work, kids, faith, etc. But at the end of the day, the fact that I am able to call Jeff my husband makes me so thankful for what I have, and for the joy he brings to my life. He is selfless in what he does for our family, and he never stops working…really. He loves what he does, it’s his passion, but I know he loves us more, which is why he travels every week, takes conference calls when he is supposed to be on vacation, and stays up late each night to complete his tasks. Jeff, you’re an incredible man…and kind husband, a loving father, and my best friend. I’m thankful for you!

Five. Blog Readers
Who knew I’d still be doing this blogging thing 5+ years after I started this journey…surely not me! I have met (and continue to do so) so many incredible friends through this experience and I think it has helped me grow a lot. Grow in my writing abilities, grow in my relationships, and grow as a person as I have been exposed to so other’s opinions, lifestyles, experiences, hardships, and triumphs. I share my life with ya’ll and I love doing it. Just last weekend I met a dear blogging reader (shout out to you Jane!) and she was just the sweetest thing…it made my day that she took time out to say hello and approach me. So today, I am noting that I am thankful for each of you!  

Join in the link-up party today dears!! It’s easy to do, and for a lot of us I know it gives us a fun way to participate on Fridays…make sure to hop on by to see Darci, April, and Christina’s posts, too!!


  1. Meghan says:

    Ooh so exciting to go see JT! I too am a teeny bopper at heart and was a huge NSync fan!

  2. Katie says:

    Trying to pretend I'm not TOTALLY JEALOUS that you're seeing my man tonight!! Have a blast! Can't wait to hear about it 🙂

  3. I'm thankful for your blog because without discovering it, I wouldn't have been inspired to start my own 🙂 meettheneisslies.blogspot.com

  4. You have Justin Timberlake tickets … oh my goodness! I know you are going to have the best girls night. How have I never been to Nashville?? Dying for a fun girly night there sometime!

  5. You are going to have a blast at JT! I'm sure his TN show will be one of his best! Have a great weekend, friend!

  6. Whoop! Whoop! Have fun tonight!! & I love donating & volunteering during this time of year! We'll be missing the annual toy run we do each year this year but, I'm trying to think of different ways to get involved & give back… it's so, so important!

  7. jamie vespa says:

    So jealous! Have a fantastic time tonight! Take lots of pictures to share with us!

    Jamie @
    The Growing Up Diaries

  8. 1.) After reading your blog for so long now, I've always thought your mom was oh so fabulous!! Makes me wish I'd had more time with mine. She sounds like an amazing woman — hope she's had a wonderful, blessed week! And YES, she does look stunning at 51!

    2.) JT?! What if I catch a flight in like 5 mins. Can I come????? 😉

    Happy girls' night …. hope you have a ball and drink too many cocktails (assuming someone is driving y'all home, of course)!

  9. Emily Powell says:

    Girl time is a must for my sanity!

  10. Just found your blog today, and I am in loooove! 🙂

  11. Kelly Sue says:

    I too have a very hard working husband and it can make it so difficult at times. We just need to refocus and look at the bigger picture. 🙂 We are able to stay home, for the most part, with our babies and do what some women can not! Lucky us. CoastalKel.com

  12. Jodi says:

    JT is coming here in less than a month and I am going with my girlfriends and just can't wait! Let us know how it is but I'm sure it will be nothing short of spectacular!

  13. Lea says:

    Sweet thankful list! Enjoy your girlfriend time and your Mom is "cute as a button." Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. Linda says:

    What a great five on Friday and love having a thankful list!
    gameday dresses

  15. SO jealous of your night out with JT! I'm sure you had an amazing time.

  16. ohmyword I cannot wait to hear about your girls night with JT how fun!!! I completely turned into my 13 year-old self watching his VMA's performance this year….love him.

  17. Jenna E says:

    Ahhhhhhhh how was JT!? Amazing I am sure!

    And holy crow, your mom is a beaut! Happy Birthday to her 🙂

  18. rachel says:

    Your mom is stunning!!! SO jealous you saw JT! How was the Tippler?? Been dying to go!

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