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Five on Friday…Join Our Link-Up Party!


June 14, 2013

Instead of the traditional wedding gift for year #2 (that is cotton BTW), Jeff and I took a modern approach to anniversary gifts…we decided to join a wine of month club! Nothing says celebrating the love of your life like alcohol, right? Our first shipment will come next month and I am so excited about being able to have a fun tradition like that for just the two of us this next year…cooking dinner and enjoying a bottle (or two) of wine! There were SO many options out there, but thanks to a good blogging friend Tess, we were able to find a great one at a reasonable price. Cheers to vino!

Our dining room table was in desperate need of a new look, so that meant I was off to explore the world of never-ending options when it comes to placemats, napkins, and everything in between. It’s nothing fancy, but it suits our tastes and I think a “set” table looks so happy and inviting when you’re visiting someone’s home. Here’s to summer! (P.S. For those that are curious, the natural fiber placemats are from World Market and the floral linen napkins are from Target)

Our bags are packed and we are ready to go when Baby Time comes! I’ve pre-registered at the hospital, made our ever important “call list”, and I used the packing list I came up with last time (see here), but added a few other odds and ends like Carson’s baby book, my iPad, and the Brest Friend pillow (rather than the Boppy), but it feels good to have everything all lined up. Of course, then I realized I needed to pack a bag for Caroline, too, since she will be staying with family while we are in the hospital…snacks, diapers, pajamas, a few outfits, and toys to keep her occupied. I have been working on a “Big Sister Bag” to give her once she comes to the hospital to meet her sister and I think she is going to love her new, fun goody bag!

I have to brag on my sweet mommy group friends who went above and beyond and spoiled Carson with the most adorable personalized treats…is this bib and gown not the cutest thing you’ve ever seen?? And they even included Caroline and gifted her with a big sister dress, too. I don’t know what I would do without these ladies and they sure have made motherhood much more fun!! Love you girls 😉
P.S. these items came from She She Made…the CUTEST little shop!

I have seen a ton of people on Pinterest/fellow bloggers doing the revamp on the Ikea kids’ table and chair set and I am on a mission to tackle this project myself! I found the PERFECT inspiration from Paddington Way and I think this is a no-brainer, inexpensive way to incorporate a little art and craft space for Caroline in the family room. Is this not adorable??

Thanks for visiting today for our Five on Friday Link Up! Be sure to check out April, Christina, and Darci’s blogs too for their Friday fun, too…today, we will be taking it easy by the pool and trying to rest up so we can finish the nursery this weekend. Cheers friends!

  1. P!nky says:

    Looks like lots of fun. I love your 2nd anniversary idea, super smart!

    Those clothes are so cute!!!

    Happy friday!


  2. Such a great 2nd Anniversary gift! That's my type of gift haha. Who doesn't love trying new wines! Such a fun idea.

  3. That personalized gown, dress, and bib are adorable!!!! Your girls are going to look so cute! What sweet friends! And I've been looking for some inspiration for the Ikea kids table….so cute!

  4. Jillian says:

    Happy Anniversary! And what a creative anniversary gift! I love that idea! Happy Friday!

  5. Pamela says:

    What a great anniversary gift 😉 Happy anniversary! Absolutely LOVE your linen napkins!! Cute bibs!

  6. Meetali Neha says:

    WOW, very nice pics..so creative

  7. MrsDevilGuy says:

    Happy Anniversary! Love the new blog design!

  8. rachel says:

    Loving the dining room table. I have been on a mission to update ours! So exciting your bag is packed!!!

  9. Caitlin says:

    I love that wine idea! Happy Anniversary 🙂

    Those clothes for Carson and Caroline are so cute — can't get over them!

  10. Lauren says:

    LOVE that wine idea! Which did you go with? I'd like to find a reasonable one.

  11. I love your new table setup! I wish my dining table wasn't ALWAYS covered in laundry so I could make it cute.

    And those personalized items from your mommy friends are too cuuuute! Lil C will be here before you know it! Cheers to round two, momma!

  12. little b says:

    Please let us know how the wine club works out – I've been looking to join one as well!

  13. Samma says:

    The wine club is a wonderful idea! What a great way to celebrate all year round.

  14. I have been wanting to buy the Ikea kids table because its the perfect size but so boring! Now I'm inspired to make it match my playroom!


  15. Kiersten says:

    Your new blog header and design looks fantastic! And I love the wine club anniversary gift idea– We're celebrating #5 in September, so we may need to incorporate something similar!

  16. A wine club is a brilliant idea. Really though! In the coming months your lives are going to be totally taken over (again!) by your beautiful children and the wine shipment will give you (hopefully!) something to do together that doesn't involve babies. When the kids go to bed you can have your own little wine tasting and relax! I hope!

    I can't wait to see the Latt table you do! We love ours, and Owen especially oves standing on the chairs (ekkk!)

  17. jayme says:

    i want to join a wine club!! deeelicious!!

  18. Lauren says:

    love the new look on your table…so clean & fresh!

  19. Wine club membership … so smart and so fun!

    EEEK I'm getting so excited about Carson's arrival!

  20. Love your new table setup! I might have to make a trip to target to get those napkins. Also, love the ikea hack table. I have a different ikea hack project I want to tackle soon too!

  21. Natasha!!! I love your new blog setup!!!! It looks great!!!

  22. perfumehk says:

    Lovely post , amazing pics.
    Parfum pas cher

  23. Tess says:

    So happy that it worked out with the wine club!! It's my favorite package every month!!!!!

  24. Mariel C. says:

    Those placemats can be found at Ikea, too! I get them in bulk and use them as outdoor placemats. LOVE them!

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