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My Favorite Things…Christmas Wish List


November 15, 2011

Christmas shopping has taken over! I know I mentioned this already, but I am giving myself a high-five at the progress thus far…and I am still rolling. With so much traveling and having every weekend booked from now until Christmas, it’s time to get down to business and get this shopping knocked out–my goal being to finish by December 9th–random date, yes, but it’s the weekend before we go to NYC so that is date I am shooting for. Luckily, we’ve set our budget this year, and family members have been helpful letting us know what is on their lists for 2011 so that is making shopping quite a bit easier.

As for me, I didn’t have that hard of a time coming up with my own list of presents and goodies–surprise surprise! Here is my little wishlist {in no particular order}…

Jane Marvel Travel Jetsetter Bag

Button Gold Stud Earrings
Leopard Flats
David Yurman Stackable Bracelet

Stemless Champagne Flutes {for after Caroline’s homecoming!}
Michael Kors Hamilton Bag in Dusk
Pioneer Woman Cookbook

Moccasin House Shoes

Silver Ice Bucket
New Comfy Robe
LL Bean Beach Tote Bag
Some are necessities for upcoming travel and things I need newer versions of, a few are little indulgences just because they are items I would never get for myself, and others are because I am hoping Jeff is going to be extra sweet when he goes shopping πŸ˜‰
So tell me, what is on your list this holiday season? I love finding out what is on everyone’s list..some are great indicators of things I just may need to add, too!
  1. Kayln says:

    I have that Yurman bracelet and love it! πŸ™‚ It goes well stacked with others!

  2. maybe that extra special (cough yurman braclet cough) gift will come as a push present if not for christmas πŸ™‚ – Sarah

  3. Savannah says:

    Your Christmas wish list is fab. I'm loving the Michael Kors bag and button earrings! Thanks for the inspiration.

  4. Sarah says:

    I'm working on my list too πŸ™‚ Where are those house shoes from?? so cute!!

  5. Cait says:

    adore πŸ˜‰ im stil trying to get my hands on tory burch flatts πŸ™‚ xo

  6. Shari says:

    That David Yurman bracelet is gorgeous! Great list! πŸ™‚

  7. Love that first tote! So chic πŸ™‚

  8. Tina says:

    oooh love this list! i have the pioneer woman cookbook and it is great! and i LOVE that michael kors bag!! another michael kors watch is definitely on my list!

  9. What a great wishlist. I love the Jane Marvel bags too!

  10. TaraR says:

    You've inspired me to start my list! I can't believe how quickly Christmas is approaching.

    Loving the David Yurman addition πŸ˜‰

  11. I started my Christmas list this week and have been conveniently leaving it around the house for the hubs to see. ha.

    PS – LL Bean has the MOST AMAZING Moccasin House Shoes! I got some last Christmas and will never switch to anything else!

  12. I want every bag on your list. K. Thanks. Bye!

    If you could email the beau Id appreciate it! πŸ˜‰

  13. Caroline says:

    I'll take one of each of those. Where did you find the gold earrings?

  14. Love those flats! πŸ™‚

  15. CMae says:

    The David Yurman bracelet I've had on my list since last year!!! Love that line of Jewelry!!
    ( Cept I wanted the 5mm one πŸ™‚

    Last year, I got the cable one now I am just missing the one that has a clasp like the one you posted!

  16. A.M. says:

    I feel like I am always asking you where something is from…but you have GREAT taste! Where are those leopard flatts from? I NEED those!

  17. Jamie says:

    Love your list…especially that first bag, the leopard shoes, and the Yurman bracelet!

  18. Mommyblogger says:

    Oh I LOVE those leopard shoes!!!!

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