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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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It’s A Great Day…


February 17, 2011

The birds are chirping, the temps are warmer–going into the 70s today, and the sunglasses were on/sunroof wide open this morning for my commute to work… ahhh, thank you Thursday for greeting me with open arms.

To start off my day, I received a much-needed discount email from DSW {$15 off a $49 purchase}–the shopping Gods are looking out for me apparently!! Check out these shoes, though–ahhh swoon…I must find a reason to buy these darlings
I’ve got a new, less winter-like shade of nail polish on with peep toe pumps–I know, it doesn’t take much to make me happy these days. Check out this Essie color Mink Muffs… it’s fantastic!

This afternoon, we’re heading to taste potential cake flavors… and yes, checking the clock every minute it seems because I am bursting with excitement!!
I have rediscovered just how much I love Trader Joes… no we can’t have the infamous Two Buck Chuck wine in our store here due to liquor licensing/laws {no fun I tell you}, but I am taking Jeff on a field trip so I can show him what a savvy shopper I have become at the grocery store… they have the best Red Pepper Spread which Leslie introduced me to, their entertaining crackers are delish, not to mention aisles and aisles of all kinds of other goodies!!
And finally, of the most utter importance, tonight on MTV at 9:55PM, Britney’s new video debuts for “Hold It Against Me”… yes my girlfriends are making fun of me right now because they know I will forever love Ms. Spears no matter how crazy she is–I will be tuned in and basking in every second–woo hoo!!!
Happy Thursday friends!! I hope you have a wonderful day
and savor every moment!
  1. LB says:

    Hey don't worry, you're not the only one who still loves BritBrit! Have fun at your cake tasting!!

  2. Tiff says:

    I made an amazing asian dinner last night all ingredients compliments of Trader Joe's! Love that place SOO much!! 🙂 Shoe's are super cute.. I however, would break my ankle in them.. I have a hard enough time walking around in kitten heels! ha!

  3. Carly says:

    I have that Essie color and love it! I got so happy a couple weeks ago when I discovered the Walmart near my house sells Essie. Much more convenient than Ulta.

    And yes, we all still love Britney! 🙂

  4. Jenny says:

    love those shoes!!!! I may have to find a reason to buy them also!

  5. I love me some Trader Joe's!

  6. 1. That Essie color is divine
    2. I can't wait for the Britney release either!! Awesome!

  7. Ashley says:

    LOVE those shoes!! SO CUTE!
    Thank you for posting the time the video will be premiering haha! I am tuning in for SURE!

  8. Nicole Marie says:

    i love the essie color!

  9. Megan says:

    Love those shoes!!!

  10. Marian says:

    The reminder about Brittney just made my day:)

  11. Katelyn says:

    the solor of the nail polish is ADORABLEE!!!

  12. Katelyn says:


  13. Ashley says:

    You have to be crazy NOT to love Britney…she's amazing!

  14. Those heels are hot! I say go for it 🙂

    And I actually own that polish, got it as a gift. I'm not a fan of brown but really liked this hue. It's so nautral and feels sophisticated.

    I'm also a Britney fan. I refused to like her in my H.S. days but I gave in with her last album and am now obsessed hehe!

    P.S. I'm hosting a giveaway, be sure to check it out 🙂

  15. It is a fabulous Thursday! It's actually warm in the city too!!

    Have a wonderful time tasting cake tonight — totally jealous! 🙂

  16. Caroline says:

    So excited for Brit Brit and I'm jealous of your cake tasting. That was my favorite part (just kidding, or am I?)

  17. You gotta love Brit Brit! I will forever be a fan too and will be watching tonight!

  18. Inna xoxo says:

    xoxo inna 🙂
    @ http://www.innasdailyfix.blogspot.com

  19. Lisa says:

    I love Brit 🙂 And I have heard nothing but good about that spread. And I love minks muff, I get TONS of compliments every time I wear it.

  20. Kristin says:

    How much did you LOVE the Brit video?!?!?! AMAZING!

  21. Have so much fun at your cake tasting! It was one of my favorite parts of planning our wedding 🙂 Trader Joe's is my favorites. They have so many unique items that are still affordable! Have a great weekend!

  22. meghan says:

    I went and bought that color today…I saw it here and had to have it! It's great!

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