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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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The Business Savvy Side of Me


April 1, 2010

By now some of you may know that I rendezvous as a part-time calligrapher on the side… seems like all those doodles on my notebooks growing up somehow paid off and has benefitted my real life–who ever would’ve dreamed of that??
I began my adventure by starting a blog site dedicated to my calligraphy, though sadly because of timing and everything else, I never really focused on it. After lots of thinking and planning, I decided to change things up and revise my so-called “vision” and refine it into more of what I want to accomplish with my calligraphy. As I was stalking blog designers, I stumbled across Penny Lane Designs, and instantly knew that I wanted Marina to help me with my new site… and boy did she impress!
You can visit my new site here–I finally have the blog up and lauched–keep in mind that this is a work in progress, but I will be focusing a lot more attention to paper, stationery, and all things ink as I really want to grow my business… it is something I am extremely passionate about and I really enjoy doing it {with the bit of free time I do have}. Today marks April 1–a day when I am starting a brand new order of a fellow friend and bride and I couldn’t be more excited to see the end product!
If you have any friends getting married in need of stationery, I love referrals and would appreciate your help, too… thanks for all your support and I hope some of my readers will follow me on this new journey, too! Hop on over and see my new samples!!


    Just became a follower!

  2. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Very exciting! I plan to take some calligraphy classes.. I just love it! 🙂 I became a follower 🙂

  3. OMW it looks so great! Marina is great! She's going to do a Swanky Bakes blog for me! Yes!

  4. Risley says:

    how fun! I will keep you in mind for friends!

  5. Love your calligraphy site! Congrats! And your calligraphy is beautiful!

  6. Brittany says:

    Everything looks awesome 🙂 I became a follower.

  7. Natasha, Your writing is BEAUTIFUL! I am in awe/love with your Miller style. I will have to keep this in mind when my left ring finger is graced with some weight. I hope your business really blossoms. It's so inspiring to see someone who is following their passion!

  8. Tina says:

    Oooh I am getting married next year and LOOOVEE your calligraphy [just checked out your site! Beautiful fonts! :)] all over my paper goods!

  9. I tagged you today!! xoxo

  10. You website looks GREAT!!! Congrats!!! And you do amazing work – so talented! 🙂

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