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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Spring is coming, I can just feel it. And if not, I guess I’ll just dress like it is… one because I can’t get enough florals and two, spring is the epitome of blooms + pretty colors coming back in the yards and trees and I am here for it! Did you know that every […]

february style = floral fashion favorites

fashion and beauty

All the info you need to know about the southwest airlines companion pass featured by top US travel blogger, Hello Happiness.

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OK.. before we get going: I want to preface this post by mentioning I know how much trouble people can get into with credit cards, so I am ONLY recommending using a credit card if you are repsonsible enough to pay it off every month. There are absolute perks to take advantage of out there […]

the southwest airlines companion pass


jcrew athleisure for her featured by top Nashville fashion blogger, Hello Happiness.

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Is it me or are you TOTALLY glad to be done with January, too?? For one, it was a DRY DRY month if you catch my drift and it was a cold one, too. It seems like it was 76 days long, but now we’re moving onto a short + sweet February filled with lots […]

jcrew athleisure favorites

Life + Style

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I know, I’m sharing ALL the spring trends early this season, but for good reason… there are just SO many stellar style options that I want to note, not only for myself in how I dress each day, but to help you find the proper selects to make yourself feel the most confident in 2022, […]

spring 2022 style: wide leg pants

fashion and beauty

the house of palms reviewed by top US blogger, Hello Happiness.

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Talk about a happy hump day surprise!!! I planned to wait until the end of the week to share our BIG NEWS, but when you’re ready, it’s hard to contain the excitement… Look at what we have here: there were hundreds of guesses last week when I shared this little slice of colorful design and […]

introducing the house of palms 30a


Tips and Tricks to Prepare for your Paris Family Vacation featured by top Nashville lifestyle blogger, Hello Happiness

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Less than two months to go before our little family takes our the city of love in celebration of our baby’s 10th birthday and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t absolutely dreaming of everything french + parisian. This Paris family vacation has been an adventure more than a year in the making and […]

Tips and Tricks to Prepare for your Paris Family Vacation

fashion and beauty

valentine's day pajamas for little girls featured by top Nashville lifestyle blogger, Hello Happiness

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If there is one thing my girls and I enjoy, it’s matching pajamas, especially ones for all the holidays we LOVE to celebrate. And yes, even the hallmark holidays that might be made up, yet still get us giddy! Valentine’s Day Pajamas for Kids: Case in point, these Pink Heart Pajamas from Roller Rabbit. Classically […]

lovely valentine’s day pajamas for kids

Family + Kids

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Did you know I LOVE to bake??? It’s been one of my favorite hobbies since I was a little girl… easy bake oven and all. I’ve always had a sweet tooth [which usually acts as the demise of my macros] but I work out so that I enjoy the good stuff and that’s exactly what […]

good eats: vanilla cake with cherry buttercream recipe

food and drink

best apple watch bands for her featured by top Nashville fashion blogger, Hello Happiness

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It took me years to get on the Apple Watch bandwagon. One because I didn’t think I’d actually use it and two, I wasn’t sold on wearing a watch day in and day out. Boy was I wrong. I never leave home without it and it’s absolutely one of my favorite “gadgets” ever. I love […]

the best apple watch bands for her

fashion + beauty

valentines day gifts for her featured by top Nashville lifestyle blogger, Hello Happiness

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I don’t care if it’s Christmas, Halloween, the 4th of July or Valentine’s Day, I love any and all reasons to celebrate. Now that we’ve moved on from the new year’s hype, it’s officially time to start thinking of all your LOVED ones because Vday is approaching in just one short month! One of my […]

showing some love: valentines day gifts for her

Life + Style

2025 favs

where I shop

shop my instagram

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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