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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

winter bowl with oatmeal recipe featured by top Nashville lifestyle blogger, Hello Happiness.

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You know I love oatmeal… usually I tend to make Overnight Oats, yet during cold + chilly months I want them warm and hot so I change it up and whip up a bowl of goodness in the microwave. This winter bowl with oatmeal is super easy, fast and convenient, and packed full of the […]

good eats: winter bowl with oatmeal recipe

food and drink

2021 best sellers by top Nashville lifestyle blogger, Hello Happiness.

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Oh how I miss the good old days when David Letterman used to do his nightly 10 things countdowns… if you recmember, you’re definitely my people [or at least in my age group!!], but I thought this would be a fun look back on 2021 to recall the best sellers + favorite products and those […]

top 10 2021 best sellers

fashion and beauty

2022 word of the year featured by top Nashville lifestyle blogger, Hello Happiness.

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Ohhh goodness… you knew this post was coming and I’ll be honest, this one took me awhile to finally hit publish because it’s all about the details and digging deep in myself to put this one out here for all to see. You know I don’t do the traditional new year resolutions, yet, for the […]

2022 word of the year

Life + Style

Apres Ski Fashion: Essentials for Her featured by top Nashville mom fashion blogger, Hello Happiness.

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You know I love each and every holiday… they bring me ALL the happiness no matter the season, but having said that, once the holiday hustle is over and the New Year’s Ball drops, I have to admit I tend to turn into a major grinch for the rest of the forseeable winter. I’m just […]

Apres Ski Fashion: Essentials for Her

fashion + beauty

practical organization tips featured by top nashville lifestyle blogger, Hello Happiness.

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I began participating in organizational challenges years ago… good for a fresh start to the new year no doubt, but also freeing in that you get rid of so much unnecessary “junk” and stuff, especially once you finally put away the Christmas decorations and want a clean slate. I’ve participated in those hosted by others, […]

a fresh start for a fresh new year: practical organization tips

Life + Style

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“Christmas gives us an opportunity to pause and reflect on the important things around us” Daily quotes… my inspriation for the day ahead which helps frame my mindset in so man ways, even on Christmas. I hope the one above helps you take time today and throughout the rest of the holidays to sit back […]

merry christmas, love the stonekings

Family + Kids

slow cooker hot chocolate recipe featured by top Nashville lifestyle blogger, Hello Happiness

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It’s the final countdown!!!! All the presents are wrapped and nestled under the tree, the groceries have been bought, and Santa is gearing up for his long night of Christmas Eve drop-off delivery. But before I check off, I wanted to hop on and share the perfect, go-to slow cooker hot chocolate recipe so you […]

happy drinks: slow cooker hot chocolate recipe

food and drink

Amazon Favorites for December 2021 by top US life and style blogger, Hello Happiness.

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Ohhhh goodness, I know I left you hanging by foregoing my monthly Amazon roundup in November, but I assure you the wait is well worth it with this all new round-up of goodness… Amazon never fails me and I thought it was high time to get back to everyone’s one-stop shop wonder megamarket, as I […]

Amazon Favorites: December 2021 edition

Life + Style

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I know we are all in a tizzy… the countdown is on and we might be freaking out just a bit in that Christmas is just a week away AND getting closer by the minute. But let’s face it, at this point, I think we should all just sit back and relax and let the […]

a laid back kind of holiday… christmas pajamas for her

fashion + beauty

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Christmas may not be here quite yet, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t started shopping for all the sequins, glitter, gold and shiny ensembles to ring in 2022 in style. I don’t care if you’re kissing your cutie on the couch, at some big party, or at Time’s Square this year, it’s definitely worthy enough […]

sparkle + shine new years eve outfit ideas

fashion + beauty

2025 favs

where I shop

shop my instagram

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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