2025 favs

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Like they always say… it’s football time in Tennessee! Well, ALMOST… a mere 24 days until kick-off, but who’s counting right??? Just like every year, I’m here to share one of the most beloved posts of all year: my All Things Orange post. This orange fashion post isn’t just for my University of Tennessee fans, […]

all things orange… 2021 edition

fashion and beauty

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This week officially means the alarm clocks will buzz again, the buses will come do their dauly pickup and drop-off and my little ladies are headed back to school. Cue the confetti or the tears–depends on how I’m feeling that specific day–but in any case when it comes to our back to school essentials the […]

back to school with caroline and carson

Family + Kids

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OK enough about fashion and beauty for a bit… let’s get down to the nitty gritty and get back to basics, otherwise known as the reason WHY I began this blog oh so long ago anyways!! It’s been nearly two months since I shared a random “5 things” so I thought today’s installment would be […]

5 things… how i make the most of my days

Life + Style

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Goodness it’s been QUITE a long time since I’ve linked up my monthly Amazon favorites… time flies and has been going at a rapid pace this summer, but no worries, I promised not to let you down, SO the ever-so-popular #natashasamazonfavs is back and better than ever. First up, I’ll be linking a handful of […]

amazon favorites | july 2021

fashion and beauty

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So, this little design dream of mine began with a Camo Colorblock Strap last summer, then expanded into a Camo Neoprene Tote, next up we added the Spotted in Nashville Strap + Rosemary Beach Strap… And now, Social Threads and I are pleased as punch to debut the all new Camo Foldover Clutch!! Priced right […]

an all new bag to know… the foldover camo clutch

fashion + beauty

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This may continue to be one of the most requested blog posts year after year and we all know why… because every single woman always has to have the perfect Little Black Dress [or five of them] in her wardrobe for any and all occasions. The Essential Little Black Dress You know… that one little […]

the essential little black dress

fashion and beauty

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I LOVE doing a good Q+A session… and I love reading them. It’s always funny to me how this slice of social media has literally impacted so many facets of my life and it’s a joy to get to share it with you day in and day out. So as I embark on my 38th […]

your burning birthday questions

Life + Style

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The Nashville store… my Nordstrom hometown shop! Noel always takes the best care of me when I go in store and this sale was no different. He is my stylist I always shop with and he is a GEM. If you’re looking for someone to work with you and style you up with the best […]

the 2021 #nsale… my dressing room diaries

fashion and beauty

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The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is almost here and I’m so excited! Here are all my 2021 #nsale favorites! 2021 Nordstrom anniversary sale favorites 1 Rag and Bone Wide Brim Wool Fedora | Sale $166, After $255… the only time I’ll splurge on a Rag and Bone hat! I scored my first one two years ago and it;s […]

all my nordstrom sale favs

fashion + beauty

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As many of you know [or have heard plastered all over social media], it’s almost time for Christmas in July, aka the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale! I won’t spend too much time going over all the details becauase I assume you know the jist by now, but I will include all of my personal predicted sellouts […]

get ready… the 2021 #nsale is coming

fashion and beauty

2025 favs

where I shop

shop my instagram

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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