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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Get ready… the ultimate mid-summer sale is back! I’m sure by now you’ve heard the news= I’m bringing you a sneak peek into fall’s freshest finds and those annual tried and trues with unbeatable discounts!… basically the only sale of it’s kind where you can save on NEW ARRIVALS for fall! So say hello [again] […]

my take on the nsale | 2024 edition

fashion + beauty

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When life gives you lemons, you make a pie!!! Or some fun limoncello spritzers, but that isn’t what this post is all about… yes, I was perusing my monthly edition of Better Homes and Gardens last week and instantly flagged this recipe the moment I saw it. Not only does it sound like summer, but […]

good eats | frozen lemonade pie

Food + Drink

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Shouting it loud and proud… I’ve been waiting to debut this for quite some time because I’ve got HUGE news = this week, I’ve got a custom discount code for you to shop the best in apparel, accessories and beauty from Anthropologie, all with 20% off. When you shop with NATASHA20, you can snag all […]

all the anthropologie | 20% off this week

fashion + beauty

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I’m a Dyson fan through and through. First I bought the original Airwap styler, then I invested in the Supersonic hair dryer, and just recently I bit the bullet and ordered the Airstrait after doing lots of investigative research about this all new hair tool. I’ve been using it for a few weeks now and […]

the dyson airstrait | my review

fashion + beauty

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Back in the book business… and I’ve actually accmplioshed my one book a month goal for 2024 so let’s give myself a little high five for the effort. I always find that I sleep much better when I read before bed and give myself a space to unwind, away from technology and the hustle of […]

books i read | first part of 2024

Life + Style

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Welcoming myself back to the blog by way of one of my favorite series I created earlier this year… all things color crush! This time we’re soaking up the golden goodness of all things mellow yellow. After my totally turquoise take, it’s time to embrace the most cheerful color on the spectrum. Yellow is the […]

color crush | mellow yellow

fashion + beauty

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In the summertime, there are far less rules in our house… less days the girls have to make their bed, less days they need to eat balanced meals and let’s be honest, I might get a little crazy and venture off the normal straight and narrow, too. Afterall, I only get 18 summers with my […]

our 2024 summer bucket list

Family + Kids

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A long time coming since I celebrated my actual 16-year blogging anniversary back in late April, but better late than never, especially after the month of mayheim, otherwise known as May. You guys submitted SO many questions and it was hard going through them all and selecting just 16 to answer here. But I wanted […]

16 questions for 16 years of blogging


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Ready to hit the refresh button on some stellar summertime sundresses?? You’re not alone… whether you’re paying low and keeping it simple this season or wanting to get all dolled up in a fresh + fab mini must, it’s time to clear out the old clutter and make way for new dresses for long summer […]

summertime sundresses under $200

fashion + beauty

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I’m still here I promise!!! Getting back in the kitchen has been a struggle these past few months = I’ll be honest, I was surviving and nowhere near thriving, but now that summer is here and our evenings are a bit less hectic, I’m hoping to whip up more of our family favorite recipes and […]

good eats | slow cooker italian chicken

home and food

2025 favs

where I shop

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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