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for my faithful readers out there, just wanted to let you know i am out of pocket the first half of this week in training… my wonderful company decided to send us marketing coordinators to indesign school, which i am VERY thankful for!! not only is this is the program we are switching to for […]

{training day}


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today marked my very first post on my very new blog!! what’s been a big work-in-progress for me over the past month or so has finally taken on a life of it’s own… i never knew that starting a side business was so time consuming so kudos to my blogging friends who have ventured out before me to try something […]

{Dream BIG}


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this week is one of my favorites… lately, i have been extremely stressed out because of my hectic career. not one to complain–too much at least–i have just tried to suck it up and work as hard as i can to get my projects complete on time and hoping for the best. it’s hard to […]

{Wishful Wednesday- Job}


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have you ever felt like you were missing out on something you knew you wanted to do? i am usually the type of person who sticks herself out there and has enough courage to conquer–what i think is almost anything–but i figure now is as good a time as any. i have been wanting to […]

{Do What You Love}


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We are habitually–and unfortunately–stuck in the mundane routine of an 8 to 5 work schedule (wait: I thought it was supposed to be 9 to 5– when did they make the rule we had to work longer- hmmmm) Monday through Friday, so why not make the best of it, right? Another post of some of […]

Series Post No. 5 {Work Hard, Play Hard}


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While perusing some of my favorite blogs, I noticed a lot of people post about their offices, where they work, etc. and so I had myself a little photoshoot the other day so you could see where I spend the majority of my day… Welcome!! I am very lucky to have an actualoffice, unlike most […]

{My Home Away from Home}


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I believe in order to be successful, you must think only positive thoughts. I’m a glass half full kind-of-girl and I am a person who wholeheartedly thinks you should live in the moment and never look back and wonder ‘what if?’ Eleanor Roosevelt said it best: “Take chances and do one thing each day you […]

Success Quotes (Series Post #3)


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