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While perusing People’s website this morning, I just happened to stumble across the fact that ABC finally released this season’s Bachelor… Mr. Jake Pavelka. A bunch of us girls practically fell in love with him last season on Jillian’s crazy season, and we were determined he would come back.. right we were!!! So many single […]

{Danger Zone…Bachelor in Training}


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It’s here, it’s here… tonight is the season premiere of both of my favorite reality TV shows–some may joke that these MTV dramas aren’t necessary “reality”, but I could care less… it’s entertaining {to say the least} and you never know what is coming next. Plus, they have great fashion and my used-to-be favorite character […]

(Premiere, But No Party}


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It’s almost time…tomorrow Jeff and I are on our way to the California Coast to visit his aunt, uncle, and grandmother in sunny Los Angeles. The last time I visited southern Cali, I was 16 years old, so needless to say it’s been awhile. Whenever I visit the west coast, it’s like I am venturing […]

{California Dreaming}


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no, i am not really in miami, but after watching a mini-marathon of “khloe and kourtney take miami” last night on e!, i just had to let you know how funny these ladies are. again, i admit i am a sucker for reality tv, but i hadn’t gotten addicted to the show until i watched […]

{I’m in Miami}


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Another hump day means another installment of “Wishful Wednesday” and this week really got me thinking: of course we all tune in to watch our favorite television shows and the stars on them, but Kelsey made her topic this week really fun: ‘I wish’ …. I could be Heidi Klum! Not only does she host […]

Wishful Wednesday: TV Star


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Just released today via People, take a look at the new Hills trailer… this season, Lauren has left the building, and so the clever producers over at MTV brought back the worst-of-all-time villain…Kristin Cavallari…this is going to be GOOD! Suddenly, Heidi and Spencer don’t seem that bad afterall MTV Shows Fortunately for me, I don’t […]

{The Witch is Back}


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My new favorite song from Jay Z, Kanye West, and Rihanna (how gorgeous is she??)… Courtesy of YouTube… although I do admit, doesn’t this video make you think of “California Love” by Dr. Dre and 2-Pac???

Run This Town


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