design inspiration

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Oh goodness, it’s time to talk about a new room we’re in the process of decorating… the guest bedroom AKA the room I’d actually love to live in. We are moving away from the dining room [don’t worry as a full show and tell feature is coming up as soon as everything is in its […]

One Room At A Time… The Guest Bedroom and Bathroom


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I had a few of you emailing me asking about working with an Interior Designer…the process, the details, my favorite part of collaboration, and so I thought it would be fun to have my dear friend, Kendall Simmons, join us for a little Q&A session to provide some further detail about her background, her aesthetic,  and of […]

The Fabulous Design of Kendall Simmons || Q&A and Her New E-Design Services!!


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Oh heavens, I’m just over here dreaming of some dining room inspiration… I already told our favorite designer in the world [Kendall Simmons if you haven’t heard me talk of her yet], and I am itching to get started on the first room you see when you walk into our home. Right now, you’ll stroll […]

The Dining Room… Design Inspiration and What’s To Come


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When we last left off, I shared the recently finished powder room…yes, that was back in April so it’s been awhile. I mentioned then that as we make this house our home, we want to take time on each of the rooms, and decorate them for our tastes now, and well as invest in staple […]

One Room at a Time: The Home Office


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One. Elf on the Shelf Madness I don’t see how all you mamas out there are taking on the elf AND advent gifts at the same time… mom fail for me this year, as I am boycotting and and doing the minimum as I can barely remember to move our elf every morning before the […]

five on friday…all the goodness of the holidays


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Confession: We still have paper blinds up in the majority of our house…fancy, huh? When you start a business, all your discretionary money that used to be spent on decorating and other items goes out the window. Haha. I’m making a joke, but I’m sure our neighbors will be happy when we finally pick some […]

Bedroom Planning…Caroline’s Big Girl Room


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I’m a horrid blogger these days, and I know it. I think my actual readworthy posts are getting smaller and smaller and I feel like it’s been packed with fluff for a bit, so let’s get back to the good stuff that I am really excited to share. By now you know we moved into […]

One Room at a Time…The Powder Room


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