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Sorry bloggy friends, today I am having to play catch-up for Aly’s 12 Days of Christmas Challenge… my apologies for being MIA this weekend, but I was playing hostess to Jeff’s mom visiting from Knoxville, dancing around a restaurant doing the chicken dance for my Papa’s 70th birthday dinner, shopping all over Nashville for Christmas gifts for […]

12 Days of Christmas Challenge… Catch-Up and Day 7


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Can it be?? I can’t believe 600 people actually care what I have to say… well, let’s be honest, maybe more like 50 actually read what I have to say, but I’m still uber excited about another blog milestone!! Thank you all so much for giving me the opportunity to blabber on about my days […]

The Number 600=A Giveaway!


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First of all, I wanted to announce the winner of the Party Box Design e-invitations from last week’s post… congratulations Sugar and Spice!! You’re the big winner–she’s a newlywed and she hopes to use the invitations for their very first Christmas party… what a fun idea!! Email me and I can get you in touch […]

Giveaway Winner and Coat of Arms


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WOW! 550 followers–so exciting!!! Thank you all so much for taking an interest into my life/wedding/cooking/decorating or whatever it is you stay tuned for. Since I reached another milestone in the land of blogging, I thought a giveaway for all of you would be fun to jumpstart the weekend… and it involves one of my favorite things–invitations!! The lovely and […]

550 Followers=A Fun Giveaway


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I know some of my fellow bloggers are very technically savvy when it comes to the blog generators and using all that fancy schmancy integer mumbo jumbo for deciding on who wins one of your giveaways… but for me, the old-fashioned write-the-names-on-paper and grab from a cup always works, too! With that being said, the […]

We Have a Winner!


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Yes, you heard me right… a giveaway from yours truly to say a huge Thank You to all my loyal readers and followers. I happened to glance down at my follower link the other day on my blog and noticed I had just reached 400 followers–which calls for an uber:big WOO HOO in my book! […]

A Big Thank You and a GIVEAWAY!!


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Another week has gone by and I think spring is beginning to slowly make its way into Nashville.. it’s sunny and is supposed to get into the 60s this weekend–can you believe it?? This means allowing myself to wear sandals and dresses is getting closer, which translates into “I need a new Easter dress!”… Although I was in Dillards last night buying new […]

Fashionable Friday… Bunnies and Bows


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