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So I won’t recap my weekend {just quite yet} because the boyfriend {who is away hunting Bambi} has my camera with my fabulous Knoxville pictures on it, but I will fill you in on some random tidbits… 1. I cannot and will no longer act like I am in college when I venture to Knox–I simply don’t […]

{These Are a Few of my Favorite Things}


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One day, I hope I get to join in the ranks of my family and hop into the rotation of hosting Thanksgiving at my home… notice how I say “one day”– in proper fashion, I want to make sure I can master the art of cooking a holiday feast which is why I am devoting […]

{Recipes: A Traditional Thanksgiving}


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Today is a very special day in that we celebrate our Veterans, all the men and women who have and continue to serve and sacrifice so that others may have freedom… it’s the day that we all pay tribute to those who have served in our nation’s armed forces and we celebrate their unwaivering commitment […]

{Let Freedom Ring–Happy Veteran’s Day}


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I don’t know about you, but I am most definitely NOT going to be one of the many people this holiday season who gain an estimated 8 to 10 pounds (I found this number on MSN for those who are wondering)… can you believe that??? Between potlucks and parties, I can see how easy it is, […]

Eat This, Not That: Holiday Style


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I just happened to stumble across the cutest game via Social Couture. It’s called “Thanksgiving Box of Questions” and it’s the perfect game for family and friends gathered around the table for the holiday. My family loves all things games {Wii, Catch Phrase, Poker} so this is definitely something I can see them getting excited […]

{thanksgiving fun}


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I have to admit, I am a little sad this year as I decided not to go-all-out and celebrate Halloween the way I normally do.. at a party or huge event with lots of friends dressed in their best! This year, Jeff and I decided to give out candy to trick-or-treaters and hang out with […]

{Wishful Wednesday…Costumes}


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Yesterday afternoon definitely made fall official here in Nashville, as we went to our local pumpkin patch and then went to Jeff’s to carve our new friends! Living in Green Hills, a suburb of Nashville, makes it really convenient to find LOTS of pumpkins…within a mile of our apartment, there are 4 places that I know of-luckily, the […]

{the great pumpkin adventure}


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