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My recent music infatuation takes the name Kings of Leon and interestingly enough, their newest album happens to be their THIRD release (I had no idea!!) Always wanting to support the locals, what’s even better is that the members of KOL hail from the hills of Tennessee and they’re all related.. talk about natural family […]

Kings of Leon


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Ever come across a video that just makes you smile? That’s what the Plain White T’s “1,2,3,4” video does for me… set amid the bustling metropolis of Chicago in late December 2008, the song centers around the ever-engaging subject of L-O-V-E! Between friendships, long time loves, and newly declared couples, I think this video focuses […]

Feel Good Music


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So I can’t take all the credit for the fabulous website MxyerTones because one of my old friends (who will remain nameless) gave me the link a long time ago, but I definitely wanted to create a post dedicated to this site and relay on to my blogging friends just how great it is. Not […]

A Favorite Site


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Today started out like any normal day until the email gods at Gmail officially made my day… being a regular attendee of musicals and plays that frequent the Tenneessee Performing Arts Center aka TPAC, I get emails of upcoming shows all the time in my inbox, which I usually delete, but not today – today […]

Defying Gravity


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Last night in New Orleans was anything but ordinary – it was the debut of Britney’s comeback concert and it was her first time being back on stage in front of thousands of sscreaming fans in almost 5 years… oh how I wish I could have been there! Even worse, I’ve got some of my […]

The Debut of Britney’s Circus Concert


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Another weekend down in the books, and what an exciting one at that! Since it seems that most of my close friends in Nashville have recently become single, we thought we’d hit the town up right and let loose a little bit (not that we don’t every other weekend, as well)! Meg’s boyfriend was out […]

When Boys Are Away… The Girls Will Play


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My new obsession is Miss Missy Higgins… I heard this video one morning on VH1 while I was getting ready and have been hooked ever since- the song “Where I Stood” was actually featured on a recent episode of Grey’s Anatomy, as well so you know it has to be good. She has the most […]

My Favorite New Song


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