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Post failure this weekend, but I didn’t forget my photo-a-day challenge by any means! February 4-Stranger: in the produce section…strangers everywhere February 5-10AM: we were at church, singing our little hearts out So, happy Super Bowl win to the Giants-I love it when the underdogs win! I couldn’t be happier for one of the Mannings to […]

I’m Not Behind…I’m Taking My Time


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Rest and relaxation was the major theme of this weekend’s fun…I’ve been told by a good number of people that I need to soak in every ounce of free time I have these next few weeks, so I stuck to it and I am so glad we laid low with just the two of us! […]

Relax…Just Do It!


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The Good: I only have to work 2 days this week before we venture off to Hilton Head for the long holiday weekend The Bad: I have so much to accomplish at work that I am not sure how I can get it all done…busy season is back and rearing its ugly head! The Ugly: […]

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly


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Did you all have a fabulous weekend? I was delighted to spend Friday night with friends, but mostly surrounded with the family for the rest of my time away–weekends like this just don’t come around nearly as often as I’d like. Christmas Village was a crazy fest! There were so many more people than usual, and apparently […]

Mondays…They Are All The Same


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Yall, heavens to betsy my tiredness just can’t seem to go away…I think I am still worn out from this weekend’s shenanigans and I need major time in bed to recover–life in the fast lane, right? I simply cannot believe Halloween is next Monday…my days of tearing up the town with hot-to-trot costumes have come […]

Odds and Ends


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Happy Monday friends! Another weekend, come and gone, but I’m smiling a little bigger this week because it’s ALMOST football time in beloved Vols kick-off this weekend in Knox and I cannot wait to be surrounded by 100,000+ fans in orange…a perfect day if you ask me! {so this week better fly by!!} This […]

Weekend Recap and Challenge Day 8


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For today’s “challenge” post, I wanted to include pictures of places…some could answer this in places they want to go, but I feel like we’ve got to have a great deal of adventures already so it’s worth taking a little looksee into the past, just for fun. In no particular order, some of my favorite […]

Day 5…Six Places paired with Weekend Fun!


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