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It’s official… I am now in wedding planning mode {as if you couldn’t tell already!} I have been waiting for this day since a little girl and now at 26, I know I am ready to get down to business…for those that don’t know me personally, I am OCD when it comes to planning- I […]

{Let the Planning Begin…}


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The Nashville weather has officially reverted itself back to Seattle yet again and we are officially in rain season once more… I guess I’ll suffer through that rather than 10 degree temps that make me sit inside with 3 blankets on {and no, I do not own a Snuggie} With that being said, I’m devoting this week’s […]

{Fashionable Friday…Spring Jackets}


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A big thanks goes out to my fellow blogger Amber over at Fabulous, Young, and Newlywed… she was so kind to pass on this award to me {though I have been horrible at keeping up with my blogging ladies lately}. Even better, this award was just recently created so I am happy to receive it!  […]

The Blogger BFF Award


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Can you believe it’s week 4 of my training??? Ahh- why does time fly by so quickly? So we all know that while on vacation, I was wined and dined so the diet went down the drain for the most part–however–I am happy to report that we walked miles upon miles while we were in […]

{Training Day… Week 4}


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OK I am starting to get back into the swing of things around here… I was a waste yesterday at work, particularly due to friends messages, emails, blog posts, etc. {you other bridal bloggers know the jist I am sure} but I think I have my head around things and am coming up for air, […]

Wishful Wednesday…Gown


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Yes friends and fellow bloggers… after many inquisitve questions about “how did it happen”, and “what did he say”, here is the breakdown of events from our engagement weekend in Charleston. Back up a few months: Jeff and I had been talking about planning a weekend romantic getaway trip to a Southern city since last […]

{My Engagement Story…}


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OK, so a little bragging might be taking place here, but to be completely honest, I never win anything! {no really, the worst luck ever}–but that’s beside the point, because one of my favorite bloggers recently posted a giveaway so I entered thinking “this is fun. i’ll never win, but what a great giveaway”… and believe it […]

{I Won, I Won, I Won}


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