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So what arrived in my mailbox at work this morning you ask??? My new customized business cards from Katherine Clark at Hello Harbor… now that I am a bride-to-be, I have had the opportunity to meet with a lot of local Nashville wedding vendors and somehow {shameless publicity aside} it has come up in conversation […]

Mail Makes Me Happy


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Have I really been training for 7 weeks?? Wow, how time flies when you’re having fun {or at least that is what I tell myself this is}. Last week, I ran a whopping 14 miles, and I have to say I was impressed–although I needed to run more considering I devoured sausage balls, chili, pizza […]

Training Day: Week 7


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Wow, talk about a good Monday… I just found out not only am I getting a really good raise at work for my performance in 2009, but I am also getting a promotion!!! Neither of these were expected since my company has stressed the “economy” and all things that took a toll on everyone’s pay this past […]

What a Day!


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What a week this has been… both personally and professionally, I have exhausted all the energy I had inside of me and I am ready for a weekend to surface so I can get some much-needed things done around the house! I’ve already ran 6.5 miles {and going back for more today}, sent out 2 […]

5PM Can’t Come Soon Enough


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What a week this is turning into, and it’s only Wednesday- yikes! On the other hand, I do better under pressure {yes that makes me weird, right??} and it’s exciting because so much fun and exciting things are coming up! In better late than never fashion, last night we all got together to celebrate my friend […]

{Flurries and Fun}


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I feel like I have been missing out on the blogging world for ages, though I know it’s only been a few days… to put it nicely, I have been worked like a mule to the bone at work and after yesterday, I am just now coming up for air–I have been working on a […]

Houses, and Work, and Shopping OH MY


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What an incredible weekend I’m approaching! Not only are we celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow and traveling to Hilton Head to relax with Jeff’s family, but today marks a very special day for my family…. it is my Grandfather’s 69th Birthday, AND his very last day at work— after working for more than 56 years, he is RETIRING!! For […]

{A Very Special Day… And Many Thanks}


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