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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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I know it’s been a hot topic lately, and many of you have been sending DMs, asking all the specific questions about what I’ve been doing over the past year and a half to get in my best shape ever [and yes, it’s crazy to think at 41 I can say that because it’s been […]

you asked, i answered | all things health


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A long time coming since I celebrated my actual 16-year blogging anniversary back in late April, but better late than never, especially after the month of mayheim, otherwise known as May. You guys submitted SO many questions and it was hard going through them all and selecting just 16 to answer here. But I wanted […]

16 questions for 16 years of blogging


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Here it is… earlier this week I officially check a new box when filling out medical forms!! Yep, a new decade because this gal is the big 4-0 [a few days late]. If I’m being completely honest, I’ve been anxious about this birthday since the day I turned 39 = I guess there is just […]

looking forty-ward


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it’s been 15 years… that sentence makes me think of the “old Rose” in Titanic when she’s looking back on her time aboard the ship. but here we are, 15 years since i hit publish on my very first blog post. looking back, y’all i had no idea what i was doing. all i knew […]

15 years and counting…

Life + Style

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January is all about new goals and resolutions, setting intentions for work and life and for me, I’ve done all of that in the past and I always felt like I was failing… failing at not reaching some crazy big goal, etc so for the past few years I’ve been choosing one singular word to […]

one little word… my yearly mantra for 2023

Life + Style

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It’s been quite awhile since I did a blog post about the random nonsense that makes me ME and I always love giving insight as to the quirky things that make us all SO dang unique = let’s face it, we all have those weird tidbits of info that distinguish us, so I thought I’d […]

25 things you don’t know about me

Life + Style

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Back to school means all the fun first week favorites that excite me even now… decorating your locker [Caroline was so excited for that this year and yes we went all out with a rug, LED lights, shelf, dry erase board and mirror], breaking in that new backpack, lunchbox and water bottle, strutting your new […]

5 things… all about me autobiography

Life + Style

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I LOVE doing a good Q+A session… and I love reading them. It’s always funny to me how this slice of social media has literally impacted so many facets of my life and it’s a joy to get to share it with you day in and day out. So as I embark on my 38th […]

your burning birthday questions

Life + Style

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So it seems that when I post this type of content on the blog, you guys go CRAZY with excitement to read, which makes me OH SO HAPPY to see that this kind of series was 100% needed right here, right now. In case you missed last week’s first installment of the social media chat […]

social media coffee chat | no. 2 your audience

Life + Style

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If you’ve been around for any length of time, you may very well know that I’ve chatted about my General Anxiety Disorder many times here on the blog. Not only to help myself, but as an informative way to share my struggles and hopefully help others who walk with anxiety throughout their daily lives, too. […]

my journey with anxiety and cbd


2025 favs

where I shop

shop my instagram

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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