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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Step right up… it’s your favorite day of the month, otherwise known as NATASHA’S AMAZON FAVORITES!!! Seriously, this has become one of my absolute favorite posts each and every month, and it seems like it has for you friends as well. Budget-friendly finds that come delivered to your doorstep for ease and convenience = what […]

july 2020 amazon favorites | filled with the good stuff


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It’s the end of the month as we know it… yes, I’ve got music on my brain ALL THE TIME, but it’s also your absolute best monthly installment = NATASHA’S JUNE AMAZON FAVORITES!!!! I honestly can’t believe it’s almost July–like how did that happen so quickly?? This summer is flying by at warp speed and […]

you know you want it!! my june 2020 amazon favs


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Better late than never right?? This month’s all new top Amazon products has taken me longer to get live than I originally would’ve liked, but goodness gracious life has been crazy busy this month so I’m giving myself some grace and taking it day by day to tackle the must-do’s and leave the rest for […]

Natasha’s Amazon Favs | February 2020 Edition


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Two days of nonstop Amazon Prime Day goodness, count me in! SO many Prime Day deals and they keep adding more… I’m sure you’re by now your familiar with the details of this mega summer savings event, but if not, I’ve got you covered: When is Prime Day and Who Can Access the Sales? ? This […]

Amazon Prime Day… It’s HERE!


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Taking over the world… one Amazon try-on session at a time. Hands down, I am hearing this over and over again to keep the Amazon finds coming because you love them, and apparently you love my investigation skills because I’ve had a ton of you emailing me asking how in the heck I find all […]

The May Amazon Lineup… New Amazon Swimwear Favorites


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You didn’t think I would leave you hanging for TOO long now did you??? Per Instagram, you can see we are up to our crazy busy ways this week with wedding shower preparations, and getting all set for tomorrow night’s Daddy/Daughter dance, but I wanted to do a little check-in today to talk all things for […]

Recent Amazon Fashion Favorites… March Spring Essentials


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Hey there friends… happy hump day!!! This mama is saying adios to all things cold and chilly and I am officially headed to CABO today, but I didn’t leave you hanging I promise. You guys have been going WILD over all things Amazon and I am LOVING the hunt of finding some amazing finds from […]

Recent Amazon Favorites… Late February Edition


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Hey friends!! Happy Happy Monday… I might not be feeling the pain of an all new work week because this one doesn’t resemble your typical Monday. I’m SUPER excited because today is when the fun gets started!! My sweet friend Brooke of KB Styled has assembled a group of incredible women, ALL MOMBOSSES, to come […]

A Nashville Staycation and Fun Friend Getaway

fashion + beauty

2025 favs

where I shop

shop my instagram

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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