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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

Amazon Favorites for December 2021 by top US life and style blogger, Hello Happiness.

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Ohhhh goodness, I know I left you hanging by foregoing my monthly Amazon roundup in November, but I assure you the wait is well worth it with this all new round-up of goodness… Amazon never fails me and I thought it was high time to get back to everyone’s one-stop shop wonder megamarket, as I […]

Amazon Favorites: December 2021 edition

Life + Style

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Ugh oh… I waited until the last minute but I made it happen. Better late than never, especially when it comes to ALL the AMAZON AMAZINGNESS seeing as if you’re like me, they are dropping off your Amazon favorites to you almost everyday anyways! August 2021 Amazon Favorites Always one of my favorite roundups, this […]

amazon favorites | august 2021 edition

fashion + beauty

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Goodness it’s been QUITE a long time since I’ve linked up my monthly Amazon favorites… time flies and has been going at a rapid pace this summer, but no worries, I promised not to let you down, SO the ever-so-popular #natashasamazonfavs is back and better than ever. First up, I’ll be linking a handful of […]

amazon favorites | july 2021

fashion and beauty

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It’s been a LONG time since we’ve done an official Amazon favorites (aka #natashasamazonfavs) post here on the blog, but I think it’s time to bring it back! Summer is ALWAYS the best time in my mind to find inexpensive fashion from Amazon and this roundup is THAT good [if I do say so myself!] […]

Amazon Favorites… May 2021 Edition

Life + Style

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It’s the end of the month as we know it… yes, I’ve got music on my brain ALL THE TIME, but it’s also your absolute best monthly installment = NATASHA’S JUNE AMAZON FAVORITES!!!! I honestly can’t believe it’s almost July–like how did that happen so quickly?? This summer is flying by at warp speed and […]

you know you want it!! my june 2020 amazon favs


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Taking over the world… one Amazon try-on session at a time. Hands down, I am hearing this over and over again to keep the Amazon finds coming because you love them, and apparently you love my investigation skills because I’ve had a ton of you emailing me asking how in the heck I find all […]

The May Amazon Lineup… New Amazon Swimwear Favorites


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You didn’t think I would leave you hanging for TOO long now did you??? Per Instagram, you can see we are up to our crazy busy ways this week with wedding shower preparations, and getting all set for tomorrow night’s Daddy/Daughter dance, but I wanted to do a little check-in today to talk all things for […]

Recent Amazon Fashion Favorites… March Spring Essentials


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Hey there friends… happy hump day!!! This mama is saying adios to all things cold and chilly and I am officially headed to CABO today, but I didn’t leave you hanging I promise. You guys have been going WILD over all things Amazon and I am LOVING the hunt of finding some amazing finds from […]

Recent Amazon Favorites… Late February Edition


Amazon Favorites featured by top US life and style blog, Hello! Happiness: hair accessories

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So many of you have been begging for me to share more Amazon hauls on the blog… listing out all my favorites with  sizing and specific details worth highlighting, shipping information and such, and so I am here ready to deliver my first batch of goodness for you–maybe this will become a regular roundup of […]

16 Recent Amazon Favorites: Early February Edition

fashion and beauty

2024 favs

where I shop

shop my instagram

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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