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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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++this Smarts and Crafts post is sponsored by Walmart… thrilled to collaborate with a household brand we all know and love and excited to share some new arrivals for the kiddos today!! “I’m bored”… the words no mama wants to hear from their littles when that summer schedule kicks into high gear. I’ll be honest, […]

Dream, Imagine and Learn: A New Adventure in Creativity…

Family + Kids

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Did you know that TIN is the traditional gift when you celebrate a 10 year wedding anniversary?? What a play on words, huh… Yeah, I didn’t either until I googled it a few months ago when I started thinking of what I wanted to do for Jeff for this big anniversary. It’s just a hint […]

10 years down… but who’s counting??

Family + Kids

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I struggle with thinking up the best Father’s Day gifts for the guys in my life EVERY single time Father’s Day comes around. You know the deal “I don’t need anything” or “Oh I already have that” comes out of their mouths all too frequently, however, let’s be honest… we all love to receive gifts […]

father’s day… the gifts they really want

Life + Style

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I’ve been sitting on these portraits for more than a month, waiting to share them once we officially said adios to second and third grade and ushered summer into our horizon… and so it’s time! Summer break is officially here and Caroline and Carson are OVER-THE-MOON thrilled about all the fun their going to have […]

caroline and carson’s summer bucket list

Family + Kids

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Not only should life come with a standard operating manual, but it should come with a mom as fabulous as mine! I put together a Mother’s Day Gift Guide to round up some incredible gifting options… some for those of us who like to bake, others for the fashionable trend-setter, ones who need a little […]

celebrate the ladies you love… my 2021 mother’s day gift guide

Life + Style

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Well hello there Monday!!! Nice to see you again. I am easing the blow of another crazy start to the week with some happiness by way of the cutest furball to ever exist, also known as Tucker. It’s been a bit since I’ve done a proper check-in on our teacup goldendoodle from Blue Ridge Golden […]

5 things… my favorite dog shops

Life with Tucker

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–this post is sponsored by Walmart+… excited to share my newest delivery with you today– You know when you look down at the calendar and freak out because those annual holidays just inch closer and closer until you’ve forgotten about them completely. Mom fail or blonde moment, I don’t know which it is, but I’m […]

The Perfect Easter Basket Essentials

Family + Kids

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I’m fairly certain I write this each and every year when March 17th rolls around, but how in the world is my baby NINE YEARS OLD??? It happens in the blink of an eye I assure you of that and I never understand how we get here. But watching my little lucky charm grow and […]

nine years old… happy bday caroline cate

Family + Kids

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This post is sponsored by and in collaboration with Zarbee’s Naturals. Partnerships like these continue to make my website possible and all expressed thoughts, content and imagery belongs to Hello Happiness. Cue the alarm clock… it’s time to go back! We are SO excited and getting majorly pumped for the fun that’s to come with […]

Getting Healthy for Back-to-School with Zarbee’s Naturals


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Hey friends!!! Back with just FIVE days to go until Christmas and I wanted to take a minute to share some of our family’s favorite [and most treasured] holiday traditions… growing up, my parents made sure we went ALL out for the holidays and it’s something I absolutely want to continue to do with my […]

Five Things | Favorite Holiday Traditions


2025 favs

where I shop

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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