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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Happy Birthday Friends


April 15, 2009

Today, April 16th, marks 2 birthdays for some special friends in my life… the first, turning 26 is my good friend Cody – we met each other my senior year in college and actually dated for 3 years. He and I have been through a lot together and after some time apart, have recently become close friends again – he is a great person, fun to be around, honest, straight to the point, a good listender, and someone I’d do anything for – Happy Birthday Cody- hope you have a great one and can’t wait for the volleyball birthday celebration on Saturday. I promise to bring my A-game!
Cody and I at Jim’s in the Boro

Go Titans!! (we look sooo much younger- probably because this was 2006)

At Steeplechase 2007- My Favorite Day of the Year!
My other friend Leslie, turns the BIG 25 today!! WA-HOO woman and welcome to the 25 club- you’re officially 1/4 of a century old – I promise you this will be a great year!! Leslie and I are friends from college and met while we were both in Delta Gamma… we’ve shared some very fun experiences together!! She and her husband Dusty currently live in Charleston, but are hoping to move back to the Nashville area soon… other than being a crazy friend, Leslie is in the process of starting her very own photography business- her work is incredible and she is doing extremely well for herself so if you or anyone you know is in need of a FANTASTIC photographer for weddings, engagement pictures, baby shots, etc, be sure to check her out here.
Happy Birthday Leslie- can’t wait to be reunited soon!! Leslie and Dusty at Price’s Tailgate Before the UT/FL Game Last Year

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